Monday, February 11, 2008

Hooray and Whaaaaa?

Yes world i am back! I know your all so excited to hear from me. This last week was pretty good mainly because have to been outside? Well i have and it is beautiful I love those first few warm days as you come into spring. I know it is going to get frigid again and i won't want to go outside but I love it it makes me so happy i just want to go run around outside yelling....which is when campus police are called to come stop the lunatic outside. Anyway spring is one the way, which tells me to go get in those ski runs that i won't have for two years and to throw snowballs at people and to do all that awesome snow stuff. So i will! Well that was the Hooray part now on to the Whaaaaa?

So here is what its up peoples. As it is the week of Valentines Day i would like to say a few words about this and other ridiculous holidays! That's right i said ridiculous and for those of you out there saying Valentines isn't ridiculous its about love and all that crap this is for you. First, what constitutes a holiday? For me it means a day off of school. Do we get a day off of school for V day? NO!!! If that's not enough i don't know what is. V day is a joke it is just an excuse for couples to show off and for guys to give gifts to girls Boooooooooo. Plus it has lame candy those stupid little hearts with sayings on them. The sayings don't make sense half the time or they are full of innuendo. Well enough about V Day...any arguments can gladly be sent to me and i will show you where they are wrong and possibly insult you while doing it. Here are some other lame holidays: Columbus Day, St. Patrick's Day(unless you drink the whole where green thing messes with my whole get out of bed put on whatever is close and leave routine). All the other ones are alright cause they deal with our country which rocks and our Veterens who deserve a day. Also i'm not to partial to Halloween, i know what you saying "What about the free Candy?" Well i no longer get free candy and haven't since 6th grade also you have to walk around in the freezing cold and thinking of a good costume to much work plus no good feasts! There you have it. In my opinion it shouldn't be called a holiday unless a day is taken of of school for it. Any problems like i said let me know and i will let you know what's up!

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Holy Crap people, i just did the most amazing thing that no one besides me will care about. I did the perfect parking job. Ya i know what your thinking, Big one cares etc. But let me just tell you people, parking is a big deal. Don't you hate it when you go to pull into this sweet spot and your wondering why no one has taken the spot, and then when you go to pull in the car next to you is parked so horribly that the spot is useless unless you drive a motorcylce. Wow i hate that and i know you do to. Well today when i pulled in to a spot in the parking terrace up here in the frozen lands of the north, i parked so well that you wouldn't even believe. I was flippin out. I pulled in and was so close to the car next to me when i pulled in but i kept with and and when i was done i wanted to stand there and cherish how well i had done, then the cold kicked in and well i wanted to go inside. Well the moral of the story is parked amazingly. You are all jeolous i know. And when you park next time make sure you are centered in your space and not crooked, other people want to park as well.

Moving on i want to talk about parking i general. Let me tell you about the first parking stall. It choice i absolutely love it when i get that first space in the parking lot, it feels so good. Even better than that first space is the pull through bonus in the first space. That is a small miricle let me tell you and if you happen to get the first stall pull through, take a picture or film it or something cause it probably won't happen agian for quite sometime. Well unless you are up at some ungodly hour in which case take it no one wants you spot. I know this because last semester of senior year i took early morning seminary. Instead of parking over by the seminary i would everyday take the first stall pull through right by the entrance. Take that all you kids who had NHS (national honors society) parking, my spot was ten times better. But back to my point, no one cared that i got the spot everyday, i was there at a time when no one should be there so i got the spot and no one cared.

To finish up the parking post, i would like to say a little something about the diagonal parking stalls. WHAT THE DUECE!!! I hate having to know which way i'm supposed to be going when i park, i just want to drive around wherever till i find that good spot. Plus when you have the diagonal parking it basically eliminates the pull through bonus because when you pull out you going the wrong way. Man i hate that stuff, one day i'll go in the middle of the night with a bunch of people and paint the diagonal lines black and then paint the correct lines over them. I will take care of all this nonsense. Well thats what i have to say about parking. Park well my friends.