Moving on i want to talk about parking i general. Let me tell you about the first parking stall. It choice i absolutely love it when i get that first space in the parking lot, it feels so good. Even better than that first space is the pull through bonus in the first space. That is a small miricle let me tell you and if you happen to get the first stall pull through, take a picture or film it or something cause it probably won't happen agian for quite sometime. Well unless you are up at some ungodly hour in which case take it no one wants you spot. I know this because last semester of senior year i took early morning seminary. Instead of parking over by the seminary i would everyday take the first stall pull through right by the entrance. Take that all you kids who had NHS (national honors society) parking, my spot was ten times better. But back to my point, no one cared that i got the spot everyday, i was there at a time when no one should be there so i got the spot and no one cared.
To finish up the parking post, i would like to say a little something about the diagonal parking stalls. WHAT THE DUECE!!! I hate having to know which way i'm supposed to be going when i park, i just want to drive around wherever till i find that good spot. Plus when you have the diagonal parking it basically eliminates the pull through bonus because when you pull out you going the wrong way. Man i hate that stuff, one day i'll go in the middle of the night with a bunch of people and paint the diagonal lines black and then paint the correct lines over them. I will take care of all this nonsense. Well thats what i have to say about parking. Park well my friends.
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