Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What a Week!

Hey world sorry for not writing last week but i hope this can help make up for it, thanks for those of you who sent emails and for those of you who didn't i would love to hear from you elder_srogers@myldsmail.net

This week was super awesome but also super hard. It started out when we found Leo, we were out contacting at 8:50 at night we have to be home at 9:00 but the Lord always blesses you in the last 10 minutes of a long hard day. We saw Leo walking down the street and he was wearing shorts, which is pretty crazy i mean it is January in Germany not the warmest time, so i say to Elder Stimpson "hey check out this guy in the shorts we have got to talk to him." So we do, we stop him and tell him we want to talk with him about God and Jesus Christ, well this is all in German and he tells us i don't know german can you speak english, well of course we can. So he tells us we can come with him he had a few things he had to put in the fridge so we go with him up into his apartment and we sit down and we share with him about quickest 1st lesson ever and we give him and english book of mormon which was a miricle i had it.(normally i just carry an extra german but on that day i felt that i should bring an english one with and i knew that somehow i would use it) and we taught an awesome lesson he was asking great questions about how we really know, so we told him about Moroni's Promise. What an amazing man Moroni was, when i get to heaven i am gonna give that Man a Huge Hug!! But anyway we told him he could know as well. Then we taught him about prayer and to close the meeting we asked if he would offer the prayer and if we could do it kneeling. He said sure and he said about the sweetest prayer i have ever heard, it was short and simple but perfect. He addressed our heavenly father, thanked him for the day and his last weekend that asked if he would bless that his mother would get better and also to know that the Book of Mormon was true and he closed in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. It was so sweet he is from Brazil so we are gonna bring him a Portugese BoM what a blessing the Lord is prepareing people for us everywhere and we just need to work hard and be obediant.

Well after that we had some awesome appointments and great contacting experiences but there are to many to talk about and not enough time. But the hard part about this week was the Long days of working hard and basically getting nothing, but tell you what i will take a million days like those for the one day when we meet people like Leo it is 100% worth it.

Also this week we tchüssed our investigator Annie, she is so awesome and our meetings were so spiritual but she just wasn't willing to accept that there was only one true perfect way to return to live with God, i just feel sorry for her, that may sound bad, but i can just see her sitting under the Tree of Life and we are right there lifting her up to grab the fruit but then she tells us to put her down and that she is good just sitting by the tree and not partaking of its wonderful fruit that brings our souls exceedingly great joy. Preach my gospel tells us that we will have experiences like this but not to let it get us down, but it is so hard, luckily i can always turn to my loving Savior and Redeemer for help.

Thanks everyone for your love and support and prayers they mean more then i can try to express through mail in any way so remind me to give you all a big hug next time we see each other.

Love Elder

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