World the day has come. After 18 years of waiting it is finally here. For those of you who don't know it is the
Germany Frankfurt Mission. I will be speaking German obviously and I report to the Provo MTC on the 9th of July. Thanks to Preston these are the odds that I would have been called to Germany 1:67 Germany-5 Total. World i can't even believe it. I have waited my whole life for this moment and now it is here and i am in total shock. So the drive down was intense. I got the call that it was here at 1:30pm and i left at 2:36pm believe me you'll see in the pictures. So never did the thought cross my mind that i would go to Germany. I was thinking Asia or the Islands something like that but Germany I am so FLIPPIN' EXCITED!!!! My cousin served in that same mission like 10 or so years ago and he said it was amazing. I cannot even wait. I guess those 3 years of German in Jr. High and High School were there for a reason. I am always using German words here and there so now instead of saying random German words i will be able to yell complete conversations in German. So here are some pictures chronicling the event. (note: All pictures taken in car were while the car was stopped)

This is me freaking out in my car

When I left, longest hour and 40 minutes of my life

Oh how I loath traffic

The Time I pulled into the driveway

The Call!!!

That's me Elder Spencer Wallace Rogers

It's Official

Holding the most important envelope of my life

Waiting (not so patiently)

Agian waiting (not so patiently)

Opening the Envelope with Meine Mutti (German for my mom)
And the grand finale a video of me actually opening my call. First off i must warn you my 12 year old brother is filming and didn't quite know how to stand still, next i am the first to admit it I'm a baby so there are tears. Up to the opening I was so excited i just felt like jumping around screaming, but as you'll see, as soon as i read "Dear Elder Rogers" it hit me that this was really happening, that was the moment that i realized what was going on. Something i have dreamt about forever and the only way my body could handle the complete shock were tears of elation (big word in other words Joy) So i apologize for the tears it happens again when i read where i will be serving and then when it said "You have been recommended as one worthy to represent the Lord as a minister of the restored gospel." I guess that i have just worked so hard for this moment when it said that, i was so happy i could barely get it out. For the next hour or so when i would tell people i would choke up cause well it's really happening. So here it is. Scratch that, the video up loader wouldn't work so i had to go without for now. But i will keep trying to post it so look for that but hopefully the above paragraph explains kind of what it was like. Sorry this didn't get posted last night, and sorry there is no video but like i said I'll keep trying. I'm going to Germany world!!!!!
SPENCER!!! Or should I say Elder Rogers!!!! That is so exciting!!! I am so happy for you! Germany! Didn't you say you wouldn't mind going there?! That's amazing! YAY!!!
I AM SOOO INCREDIBLY JEALOUS! You are going to love it! I have yet to go to Europe, but one day I'll be there! Maybe we can go in the future and I can practice little phrases like- Ich bin auslander und spreche nicht gut deutsch - while you translate everything else for me! (Then we'll go to Brasil.)
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