Well first things first is this semester i have been taking probably the coolest class ever... Ultimate Frisbee. That sport is the best sport ever invented i love it so much and for that love i have Josh to thank. That kid loved the game, he would play all day everyday if he could. I remember after we would finish playing he and I would be sitting around and he would be hurting so bad but to him it was so worth it. I have hit that point now. We play indoor and a game like ultimate should not be played indoor all the time. My legs kill after but it is so worth it. Without this class this semester I would have dropped out long ago. Also a shout out to John, Ellen, and Jason. Those people keep ultimate alive and playing with them is the best. GO ULTIMATE!

Anyway as of this moment i am in a debate/discussion about drugs and such and i can't think of what else to talk about so this post is done keep it up world.
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