Hello everyone!! I hope that all of you had an amazing Christmas. I definitely did. Talking to my family was absolutely awesome!! That was probably the best gift. It is strange how much somthing like that can really help. It puts a smile on you face and then it is so much easier to stop people and talk with them, or ask if you can help someone out on the street. I just loved it. I hope that all of you were able to spend some killer time with all you family and friends.
I'm sure that all of you are enjoying your time off of school, i loved Christmas break, but soon enough it was over, so don't waste your time doing dumb stuff like working (just kidding that is really important) or sleeping (that is what class is for) But go out and have some fun.
The new year is almost here i hope you all have fun with that, i love the new year. What a time it is to be able to reflect on the last year and then make some changes to make this year a better one. I challenge everyone who reads this to find something in your life that you can make better and do it. I promise you that you will feel great! And it will make a difference. And if you can't find anything to make better in your life, do something to make someone else's life better. That is what life is all about, making people happy it is so great that i get the chance to do that everyday.
I am loving being out serving my Lord and Savior as a missionary what a blessing it is, that everyday i wear his name right next to mine. This Church is true folks, I know it is. I know that it brings peace and comfort into your life, because i have felt it myself, and i have been told this from the people we teach even when they don't fully embrace or except this gospel, they know and recognize it brings peace and comfort. Have a Happy New Year!!
Elder Rogers
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Alright everybody i apologize that my last few post haven't been so good but i hope that todays post will redeem myself. First off, thank you all so much for you letters emails love support and prayers, it really means more then i can express so Thank You!! I love hearing from you and i am seriously working on replies today since i have finally found some time to get it done. So i apologize for any of you who have not recieved a reply to letters or emails. Okay so what i really wanted to do is talk a little bit about Christmas! What a marvalous time of year! I have always loved Christmas i have so many awesome memories that just make it such a wonderful time of year. Starting as a little kid and going to sleep on Christmas Eve full of anticipation, heck i still do that as a not so little kid. To waking up Christmas morning and opening presents and seeing Family members opening presents that i had picked out so carefully. Next we have one of my favorite Christmas Traditions every year we go as a family to "The Forgotten Carols" for those of you who know what i am talking about you know that it is an excellent way to invite the spirit of Christmas into you heart. For those of you who don't know about it, check it out online or email me and i will explain it. But it is one of my favorite Christmas Traditions. Next one of my favorite Christmases was the Christmas of my Senior year in High School where i had the Opportunity to sing all year round to help others feel the Spirit of Christmas. For those of you who were there with me i hope it means the same to you. We all know "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear!" I loved that Christmas so much because through the Music that we sang I felt so much closer to my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. And That is what Christmas is all about, which is why this Christmas is right up there for Favorite Christmas Season. Why? Because everyday i get to go out on the Street or knock on somones door and try to give them the greatest gift i have ever recieved and that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Although i am not at home enjoying the things that mean the most to me, family and friends. This Christmas is still so amazing!!!
I know that this church is true and what a marvolous opportunity i have to be able to share this wonderful gift with the people in Germany. I am telling each and everyone of you who reads this, that Jesus Christ came to this earth for you and for me, he loved us so much that he never made a mistake and then he took each and every one of our mistakes upon himself so that we can return to live with him and our Father in Heaven. I know that Christ loves me and knows me personally. I know that he loves each and every one of you! And I know that if you are going through a hard time you can turn to him and he will embrace you with loving arms. So remember him this Christmas, remember what he has done for you, and then go and help somone else to realize there Saviors love for them, do it by giving service, making a phone call, giving somone in need help, anything you can do will help someone realize there Saviors love, and i promise you will feel closer to him because of it. I love you all and once again thanks for you love and support. I hope to hear from all of you soon.
Elder Spencer Rogers
I know that this church is true and what a marvolous opportunity i have to be able to share this wonderful gift with the people in Germany. I am telling each and everyone of you who reads this, that Jesus Christ came to this earth for you and for me, he loved us so much that he never made a mistake and then he took each and every one of our mistakes upon himself so that we can return to live with him and our Father in Heaven. I know that Christ loves me and knows me personally. I know that he loves each and every one of you! And I know that if you are going through a hard time you can turn to him and he will embrace you with loving arms. So remember him this Christmas, remember what he has done for you, and then go and help somone else to realize there Saviors love for them, do it by giving service, making a phone call, giving somone in need help, anything you can do will help someone realize there Saviors love, and i promise you will feel closer to him because of it. I love you all and once again thanks for you love and support. I hope to hear from all of you soon.
Elder Spencer Rogers
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Alright everybody, i arrived well in Aachen and it is great. My companion is Elder Gragg and he is way cool. He goes home New Years eve so i only get to serve with him for a short while but it is good i have already learned a lot from him. So Aachen is so Beautiful!! I love it. It is really cold but it is basically that way around all of Germany, so i'm just holding out for spring. Our apartment is like 10 times bigger then my old one, like i'm talking we have a downstairs, and also we have a flippin Organ!!!?? I walked in and saw it and was like HUH?!! But it totally works and i like to go over and play some stuff here and there it probably annoys my companion but i only do it here and there when we have a spare second which isn't to often. But it is so cool that we have an organ, a guitar would have been better but hey how many people can say that they had an apartment with an Organ in it. Also the ward here is super cool, really small but i love it. Don't get me wrong i was sad to leave Duisburg but i really do just love Aachen! We have a really cool investigator Torsten he is a retired US Marine. But he is actually a german. He lived in the US for 10 years and for 5 of it he was a Marine. He speaks perfect english and he is just about the coolest guy that i have ever met really it blows my mind how cool he is. whatever we teach him he thinks about it listens to what we have to say and the spirit testifys and he likes it. Or at least it makes sense to him either way he is so cool.Well that is about it thanks everybody for your love and support. I hope to hear from you all for Christmas. And Remember why we really Celebrate Christmas. I know that Jesus Christ came to this earth for us and as long as we have faith in him we can return to live with him our Father in Heaven and our Families for eternity.
Love Elder Rogers
Love Elder Rogers
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Aachen here i come!!!
Alright once again world i don't have much time because i am being transferred down to the beautiful city of Aachen right on the boarder of Belgium and the Neatherlands and i might be able to visit both and it is totally okay because portions of both countries are in our mission hahahaha i totally love it. But this means that i have to get my apartment ready for two new elders because this area is getting whitewashed. So deswegen (sorry sometimes german just starts to kick in) that is why this is so short. But i'd love to hear from you all especially during this christmas season. And to those of you who have written i will try my hardest to write today but i promise i'll get back to you. And if you send anything between now and next tuesday send it to Frankfurt the address is
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Cornelisstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main.
or just email me at elder_srogers@myldsmail.net
Love you all! i know that this church is true. Keep it real.Elder Rogers.
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Cornelisstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main.
or just email me at elder_srogers@myldsmail.net
Love you all! i know that this church is true. Keep it real.Elder Rogers.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Just a quick note
Alright folks i don't have a ton of time but i though i would just let you know that transfer calls are this Saturday and then if i get transfered i will be there next wednesday. So hopefully if you have any letters coming or whatnot they will get there before then. But i do have a feeling that i'm staying because currently i am in a Drit ( 3 elders instead of just 2) my companion was transfered this week down to Frankfurt so i am with two other elders in my area. And Whitewashes(when two new elders come into an area) are really hard especially when we have investigators we are working with. But we will see. Also let me tell you all that Christmas has arrived. Oh my heck Germans know how to celebrate Christmas. If you want pictures write me and i'll send some pictures back. But i promise you all that it is just so crazy i love it. And guess what it even has been snowing the last 3 days. Everybody told me that it won't snow up in North Germany where i am. But i had faith and the last 3 days it has been snowing like crazy, it doesn't really stick but hey at least it is snowing. I just love it. there is nothing greater then being a missionary. I know that this church is true. I know that it can change you life for the better. I know that we can pray and talk to our Heavenly Father and he will answer our prayers. I know that Jesus Christ is our savior. And i challenge all of you to remember that especially this Christmas season. But enjoy all of your wonderful thanksgiving meals. For thanksgiving, i will be teaching people the gospel and i'll tell you what i am so Thankful for that. Keep it real my friends.
Love Elder Rogers
Love Elder Rogers
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Okay so this last week we had Zone conference(ZoKo) and it was just stellar. Total cool (it is a german phrase gotta love it) So thank you all who are out there supporting me through prayers and letters i love you all so much. Thank you Rose for you letter i got it last wednesday it was great and i'll for sure be getting back to you. But let me tell you all about ZoKo.Alright ZoKo, it was absolutely amazing!! Really we got down to Düsseldorf and in the stake center ready to go but we just kept waiting and waiting but it turns out that President and Sister Ninow and Elder Kopishca took a wrong turn and ended up 50 Km out of our mission. So they were about 45 minutes late. But it is a good thing that President and Sister Ninow had an area authority with them because you can only leave the mission with permission from one of them. Anyway when they got in we started right away because we had a ton to learn. We got all the lame business out of the way and then Elder Kopishca came up and he began to teach us. It was so fantastic, the first thing he said is that when he walked in and shook all of our hands that he felt a mixed spirit in the room, excitement, nervousness, and everything else that comes with a big event. And he told us to write down what we expected to get from this zone conference and that by the end of the day we would get out answer to what we wanted, it was really cool because i did just that and sure enough by the end of ZoKo i had my answer it was really cool. But then he jumped into talking about faith. He told us the he doesn't believe in disobiedent missionaries, just missionaries that lack the faith. He gave the example of a missionary who continually doesn't get up on time. He asked us what we would call this missionary, we said lazy, disobeident, tired, etc. And he told us that all those answers were not correct. He said that this was a missionary that lacks the faith. This missionary thinks that it won't make any difference whether he wakes up at 6:30 or 6:45 or 7:30. But if we have the faith that it does then that makes all the difference. Then he told us that we need to stop just doing missionary stuff and actually do missionary work. We need to use every moment of our day to do the Lords work, And we need to work towards something. He told us to everymorning set our alarm for 6:29 and then for that minute before we have to get out of bed we invision a young man between the ages of 17-23 dressed in white waiting to be baptized, and then to pray and ask the Lord to find this person today. And he promised that if we do this everyday, we will find this person and bring them into this Gospel. We were told that we were not able to leave this mission until we baptize our replacement. And when we have the faith that they are out there and are ready we will be able to find this person. And it was so cool because the next day I did it, i woke up and invision this person, and then when we went out relying on the spirit for where to go, the first person we talked to, Thomas, he fit exactly what i invisioned. We set up an appointment right there on the street. It ended up falling out but still it was such an amazing experience, we are trying to set up another appointment now to meet with him.Also elder kopishca also talked to us about how we need to stop wasting our time with people who are not interested and start relying on the spirit to talk with those who will be interested. Really it was just amazing i leared so much and i probably could go on forever, but i think i painted an okay picture of what it was. Thanks for all you do i'd love to here from you out there. Let me know how you doing and what is going on in America, enjoy thanksgiving. i know i'll be missing it, enjoy an extra helping of everything for me. Keep it real, and I'll catch you on the flip flop.Elder Rogers
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Crack down Begins!!!!
The Crack down Begins!!!!
Alright world can i tell you that right now i am about the happiest most excited person on the Planet!!!! I honestely don't know where to start but hopefully this comes out right. First of all Schwester Banda (our investigator) came to church this sunday!!! All 3 hours that is huge and she totally loved it. The ward welcomed her in and helped her along basically Elder Armstrong and I just watched and let her go, it is so much better when the ward does most the work that way when we go she still has a really strong base to work off of. During the 2nd hour we did an investigator class that our GML (gemeindemissionleiter or ward mission leader) taught it was on the Plan of Salvation and it was absolutely amazing. To start off he wrote on the board Das Plan der Erlösungs and asked what we thought it was. Schwester Banda raised her hand and said "I think it is a plan that our Heavenly Father has for us so we can be happy and return to him" O Meine Gute!!! She is just so awesome. After Sacrement she had to leave pretty quick so we didn't really get a chance to talk with her about it but we are meeting agian so it is fine, and also she was there for all 3 hours that is huge considering for her church was 45 minutes and then heading out. So awesome, we haven't committed her to baptism yet but if the spirit dictates it will happen on Thursday. I'll let you know how that goes down. Alright so that is just one reason why i'm so happy, the other is that tomorrow is ZoKo (zone conference) with Elder Kopishka(sp?) he is in our area presidency. I am so excited it is going to be great. One I am really excited because it sounds like President Ninow will be cracking down and shaping this mission up. I absolutely love it, this mission needs it bad, we have a lot of "black" missionaries, that means that they break a lot of rules that are in the white handbook. Opposite of white is black hopefully it makes sense. Anyway i am so excited because that means that everybody will be stepping there game up or going home cause i am positive that is what it will come down to. It will be so great. This mission we are told is the only mission in the church that is losing more members then it gains. Membership over here is actually going down, and with what I've seen missionary work wise, it makes sense. The last mission president was really lax and it makes sense because he was on his mission for 5 years before he went home but now there will be some changes and the culture of this mission is really going to change. Like i say i am about as excited as anyone can get. So that is basically why i am so excited, plus with the emails i got today i found out the utes are 10-0 totally beat tcu who was the only other undefeated team in conference play, we are ranked 8th in the BCS which i absolutely hate but hopefully this year it will be good to us. Also 2 more Murray guys are coming to show Germany what is up. That brings our total to 7. And Christmas is coming!! And Germany knows how to celebrate Christmas!!!! So unbelievably cool.
Okay EllBell thank you so much for the Email it really means so much, i opened it up and read it and i almost started jumping and screaming in the Internet cafe. So awesome!Everyone else i'd love to hear from you.Missionary life is absolutely amazing all you have to do is work you hardest follow rules, and the Lord will bless you. I know this chruch is true with all my heart, I know that the Lord has a plan for us and we just need to ask him and we will know right what to do. Love you all thanks for you love prayers support and letters. Keep it real.Elder Rogers
P.S. If you happen to be in Murray Utah this weekend go the Murray High Thursday Friday Saturday and Monday night and check out the Play, they are doing Peter Pan, It starts at 7:00 pm and my little bro, Jonathan, is playing John.
Alright world can i tell you that right now i am about the happiest most excited person on the Planet!!!! I honestely don't know where to start but hopefully this comes out right. First of all Schwester Banda (our investigator) came to church this sunday!!! All 3 hours that is huge and she totally loved it. The ward welcomed her in and helped her along basically Elder Armstrong and I just watched and let her go, it is so much better when the ward does most the work that way when we go she still has a really strong base to work off of. During the 2nd hour we did an investigator class that our GML (gemeindemissionleiter or ward mission leader) taught it was on the Plan of Salvation and it was absolutely amazing. To start off he wrote on the board Das Plan der Erlösungs and asked what we thought it was. Schwester Banda raised her hand and said "I think it is a plan that our Heavenly Father has for us so we can be happy and return to him" O Meine Gute!!! She is just so awesome. After Sacrement she had to leave pretty quick so we didn't really get a chance to talk with her about it but we are meeting agian so it is fine, and also she was there for all 3 hours that is huge considering for her church was 45 minutes and then heading out. So awesome, we haven't committed her to baptism yet but if the spirit dictates it will happen on Thursday. I'll let you know how that goes down. Alright so that is just one reason why i'm so happy, the other is that tomorrow is ZoKo (zone conference) with Elder Kopishka(sp?) he is in our area presidency. I am so excited it is going to be great. One I am really excited because it sounds like President Ninow will be cracking down and shaping this mission up. I absolutely love it, this mission needs it bad, we have a lot of "black" missionaries, that means that they break a lot of rules that are in the white handbook. Opposite of white is black hopefully it makes sense. Anyway i am so excited because that means that everybody will be stepping there game up or going home cause i am positive that is what it will come down to. It will be so great. This mission we are told is the only mission in the church that is losing more members then it gains. Membership over here is actually going down, and with what I've seen missionary work wise, it makes sense. The last mission president was really lax and it makes sense because he was on his mission for 5 years before he went home but now there will be some changes and the culture of this mission is really going to change. Like i say i am about as excited as anyone can get. So that is basically why i am so excited, plus with the emails i got today i found out the utes are 10-0 totally beat tcu who was the only other undefeated team in conference play, we are ranked 8th in the BCS which i absolutely hate but hopefully this year it will be good to us. Also 2 more Murray guys are coming to show Germany what is up. That brings our total to 7. And Christmas is coming!! And Germany knows how to celebrate Christmas!!!! So unbelievably cool.
Okay EllBell thank you so much for the Email it really means so much, i opened it up and read it and i almost started jumping and screaming in the Internet cafe. So awesome!Everyone else i'd love to hear from you.Missionary life is absolutely amazing all you have to do is work you hardest follow rules, and the Lord will bless you. I know this chruch is true with all my heart, I know that the Lord has a plan for us and we just need to ask him and we will know right what to do. Love you all thanks for you love prayers support and letters. Keep it real.Elder Rogers
P.S. If you happen to be in Murray Utah this weekend go the Murray High Thursday Friday Saturday and Monday night and check out the Play, they are doing Peter Pan, It starts at 7:00 pm and my little bro, Jonathan, is playing John.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Interesting week
Well Hello to everyone i hope everyone had a great Halloween and is looking forward to the great holiday of Thanksgiving, man i am sure gonna miss that, Germany doesn't have it, but that is alright we are gonna get together as a district and do our own, i'll let you all know how that turns out. And also i'm alright with it because Germans really know how to celebrate Christmas so i am just super excited for that. Well this week was kind of interesting because basically my whole district was sick, I'm talking walking dead it was kind of Ridiculous. Be sick as a missionary has got to be about the worst thing ever. But despite that we still keep going. So Schwester Banda one of our investigators just a totally awesome lady. She speaks great German and also Spanish, she used to speak english but she said she has forgotten most of it, she was born and raised in Mexico but she has lived here in Germany for the last 20 years. She is just so awesome she told us yesterday in our appointment that she really wants to come to church with us this sunday, and also we have another appointment with her on thursday and depending on how things go and what the spirit dictates we might commit her to baptism. But we will see, keep praying for her. But other than that the work this week has been kinda ridiculous, i hope i never get sick on my mission not only cause it would suck for me but it sucks for my comp as well. I suppose i did get a lot of study and extra sleep in. Naps are good but i would so much rather be out there working. So hopefully this week will be better, Elder Armstrong seems like he is on the up and up. But only time will tell. The whole district seems to really be picking things up and once again i don't know how many times I've said it but this cycle is gonna be great. I love being a missionary it is truly the greatest time of my life. I know that this church is true, people if i didn't know it was true i sure as heck wouldn't be out here doing what i do. This is the only time of my life where i go out everyday, stop people on the street and talk to them about God, Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith, and when they say they are not interested or don't have time or screw you or any other strange profanity i truly feel sorry for them. They just don't know what they are missing. I pray that i can help them find what they are missing and help them accept it, because I KNOW IT'S TRUE!!! Love you all your letters prayers and support me so much to me i can't even exlpain it. The church is true the book is blue.Love Elder Rogers
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hey All!!!
Hey world how are we all doing? Well things are going really well for me, i continue to see the Lords hand i my life daily i really am so blessed and grateful for this opportunity i have to serve my Lord and Savior as a missionary.
Things are really picking up in our district, we have set some sweet district goals and everyone seems pretty excited about this cycle. Also Elder Armstrong and I have this new investigator her name is Schwester Banda. She is an older Mexican lady and she is just flippin awesome. She is really humble and so ready for this gospel in her life, she is so thankful for God and she recognizes his hand in everything she does. We have met with her twice and have an appointment scheduled for thursday i am so excited. This is what missionary work is all about. I know that it is only because of the Lord that this is possible and that all i can do is act as a tool be a mouthpiece for the Lord and i am so blessed for the opportunity. Thanks for all of you love prayers and support it means more then i can even begin to express i have truly been blessed with the greatest family and friends. Love you all and thanks.
Elder Rogers
Things are really picking up in our district, we have set some sweet district goals and everyone seems pretty excited about this cycle. Also Elder Armstrong and I have this new investigator her name is Schwester Banda. She is an older Mexican lady and she is just flippin awesome. She is really humble and so ready for this gospel in her life, she is so thankful for God and she recognizes his hand in everything she does. We have met with her twice and have an appointment scheduled for thursday i am so excited. This is what missionary work is all about. I know that it is only because of the Lord that this is possible and that all i can do is act as a tool be a mouthpiece for the Lord and i am so blessed for the opportunity. Thanks for all of you love prayers and support it means more then i can even begin to express i have truly been blessed with the greatest family and friends. Love you all and thanks.
Elder Rogers
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Still in Duisburg
Alright before we really get in to it a few items of business.A big Happy Birthday to my fantastic little brother Jonathan (the one who posts these) He is 16 today that means this kid is out driving and dating, totally crazy for me to believe. But he is great, so give him a shout out if you've got the chance. He is a great kid. Happy Birthday lil' Bro love you.
Also another big Happy Birthday to the Amazing Brooke Hunter also today (the 21st) I don't know how many times i've said it but i really have been blessed with the greatest friends in the world. I don't know why i deserve it but thank you to all of you out there that i can call friend you really are the greatest.So both of you go out and have some fun for me today (if you read this)nothing to crazy but just go out and enjoy it. Love you both thanks!
I woke up and saw my shadow so 6 more weeks of duisburg. Well anyway, I'm pretty excited, things are really starting to pick up and i think we will be getting a whole lot done this cycle. we have some changes to make in our district and as a companionship but these changes will bring the best so i'm pretty excited. So i went on a split this last week with the ZL's. I stayed up here in Duisburg with Elder Phillips who is actually going home tomorrow. But he was such an awesome missionary he was working so hard and gave me such a great example to follow. With him we found about 4 people and then the next day with elder armstrong we just kept it going and found 3 more, of the 7 potential investigators 3 of them seem really cool and will probably at least meet with us again. We just need to call them and set up appointments, i'll let you know how that works next week.But other then that things are going just as usual. Our District will be minus 2 missionaries, becasue they formed a new district so now my area is the second highest in the mission pretty crazy. It was super nice this last week to go to a normal sacrament meeting, the last two weeks we have had general conference then stake conference so it was super nice to just go to a normal meeting for once. The investigators i mentioned last week we haven't been able to meet with other then Andrés he is a really cool guy super religous which is awesome, but he knows his stuff. The only hard thing is that he doesn't live in our Mission, he lives in the Hamburg Mission, but he goes to the university here in Duisburg. We'll see what happens with him.Well i better head, but just want to say thanks to all of you for your love and support you don't really know how much it means. I have been truly blessed with the greatest friends and family in the World! The Church is true i know it with all my heart and you can to just read the Book of Mormon and pray about it the Lord will answer your prayer. Keep it real love you allElder Rogers
Also another big Happy Birthday to the Amazing Brooke Hunter also today (the 21st) I don't know how many times i've said it but i really have been blessed with the greatest friends in the world. I don't know why i deserve it but thank you to all of you out there that i can call friend you really are the greatest.So both of you go out and have some fun for me today (if you read this)nothing to crazy but just go out and enjoy it. Love you both thanks!
I woke up and saw my shadow so 6 more weeks of duisburg. Well anyway, I'm pretty excited, things are really starting to pick up and i think we will be getting a whole lot done this cycle. we have some changes to make in our district and as a companionship but these changes will bring the best so i'm pretty excited. So i went on a split this last week with the ZL's. I stayed up here in Duisburg with Elder Phillips who is actually going home tomorrow. But he was such an awesome missionary he was working so hard and gave me such a great example to follow. With him we found about 4 people and then the next day with elder armstrong we just kept it going and found 3 more, of the 7 potential investigators 3 of them seem really cool and will probably at least meet with us again. We just need to call them and set up appointments, i'll let you know how that works next week.But other then that things are going just as usual. Our District will be minus 2 missionaries, becasue they formed a new district so now my area is the second highest in the mission pretty crazy. It was super nice this last week to go to a normal sacrament meeting, the last two weeks we have had general conference then stake conference so it was super nice to just go to a normal meeting for once. The investigators i mentioned last week we haven't been able to meet with other then Andrés he is a really cool guy super religous which is awesome, but he knows his stuff. The only hard thing is that he doesn't live in our Mission, he lives in the Hamburg Mission, but he goes to the university here in Duisburg. We'll see what happens with him.Well i better head, but just want to say thanks to all of you for your love and support you don't really know how much it means. I have been truly blessed with the greatest friends and family in the World! The Church is true i know it with all my heart and you can to just read the Book of Mormon and pray about it the Lord will answer your prayer. Keep it real love you allElder Rogers
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Well world, how are we getting along? Good i hope, as usual only a jerk would hope things weren't going good. Things for me are doing really well, things are really starting to pick up, out here in the Dirty D and i am so excited for it, Heavenly Father is really seeing fit to bless me and my companion right now, and i promise we are gonna work our hardest to show our gratitude for all he has done.Well first things first, a few shout outs are in Order, Thanks a ton Daniel and Rose for you emails i know i already told you but they mean a ton! Both of you rock, i truly have been blessed with the best friends wherever i go. Also Thanks a ton to Brooke for you letter that i finally got last friday i'm sure this letter had quite the adventure to get to me. But really thanks it means so much and you better believe you'll be getting a hand written reply, thats how we roll as missionaries. So if you all want a handwritten letter from germany go ahead and write me up here at:
Elder Rogers
Mercatorstrasse 8047051 Duisburg
So thanks a lot you all are amazing, and if you would leave a comment on this blog and thank my awesome little brother for posting these and letting you all know what is up! On to the good stuff.
Alright lets talk about some people. Well Dennis, we kind of don't know what is up with him. We gave him a call and his finace answered and said she would have him call back later. well about a half hour later we get a call back from her telling us to leave him alone that he doesn't want anything to do with us etc. She told us that he doesn't need our sect, which in german means cult, we explained to her that we weren't a sect and that we just wanted to give him a book and tell him about it, she really didn't care which was really sad. So Elder Armstrong just wanted to leave it at that. But i told him that we really need to get in contac with Dennis, i have a really strong feeling that he really needs the gospel in his life right now and i am not gonna give up on him the spirit has testified to me that we need to teach dennis or at least give him a book of mormon so i told elder armstrong we need to call back later and hopefully talk to him, i pray that the spirit will let us know when is a right time to call back. But for now we pray and wait, but we are not giving up on him.
Also yesterday we found this really cool guy that totally had an electronic bible on his phone/pda and was way interested we've got his info and are gonna give him a call probably tonight, it was awesome. For someone to be religious in germany and not only that but have a bible on them at all times is really rare, most people we talk to either don't believe in God or are Muslim, so we are pretty excited about him, his name evades me right now but we'll know soon enough.
And also a couple other elders in our district found a spanish lady and her family in our area and are giving them to us, she really sound "golden" so i'm pretty excited to get to know her and hopefully make her life a little better.So that is what is going on with me, just trying to work my hardest and do what the Lord wants me to do. Keep it real hope to hear from you all soon.
Elder Rogers
Elder Rogers
Mercatorstrasse 8047051 Duisburg
So thanks a lot you all are amazing, and if you would leave a comment on this blog and thank my awesome little brother for posting these and letting you all know what is up! On to the good stuff.
Alright lets talk about some people. Well Dennis, we kind of don't know what is up with him. We gave him a call and his finace answered and said she would have him call back later. well about a half hour later we get a call back from her telling us to leave him alone that he doesn't want anything to do with us etc. She told us that he doesn't need our sect, which in german means cult, we explained to her that we weren't a sect and that we just wanted to give him a book and tell him about it, she really didn't care which was really sad. So Elder Armstrong just wanted to leave it at that. But i told him that we really need to get in contac with Dennis, i have a really strong feeling that he really needs the gospel in his life right now and i am not gonna give up on him the spirit has testified to me that we need to teach dennis or at least give him a book of mormon so i told elder armstrong we need to call back later and hopefully talk to him, i pray that the spirit will let us know when is a right time to call back. But for now we pray and wait, but we are not giving up on him.
Also yesterday we found this really cool guy that totally had an electronic bible on his phone/pda and was way interested we've got his info and are gonna give him a call probably tonight, it was awesome. For someone to be religious in germany and not only that but have a bible on them at all times is really rare, most people we talk to either don't believe in God or are Muslim, so we are pretty excited about him, his name evades me right now but we'll know soon enough.
And also a couple other elders in our district found a spanish lady and her family in our area and are giving them to us, she really sound "golden" so i'm pretty excited to get to know her and hopefully make her life a little better.So that is what is going on with me, just trying to work my hardest and do what the Lord wants me to do. Keep it real hope to hear from you all soon.
Elder Rogers
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Just a quick e-mail!
Well world i don't have a lot of time, but i wouldn't want to leave you all hanging for a week. Things are going pretty good for me out in Duisburg, my first cycle (6 weeks) is slowly coming to a close which just blows my mind time really flies as a missionary. I hope all of you got a chance to check out conferene this last week it was absolutely amazing, we didn't get to watch all the sessions we missed Sunday Afternoon cause of the time change, in fact when all of you were watching Sunday and Saturday morning we were watching them at 6:00 PM totally crazy, you've just got to love time changes.
Well just a quick bit of info, we found a quasi investigator the other day, his name is Dennis and he is a pretty cool guy finding him was an interesting experience but i don't have a ton of time so i'll tell you about it next week, just know that i am really excited about this, i have a really good feeling about him. Faith hope hard work and prayer, keys to flippin success you've just got to love it. Well thank you to everyone out there your all amazing, and a big shout out to Coleton the only one who has written me! But seriously people i'd love to hear from you and ask coleton i totally wrote him back with the details on what is up. So you might want to try it yourself. elder_srogers@myldsmail.net Keep it real!
Elder Rogers
Well just a quick bit of info, we found a quasi investigator the other day, his name is Dennis and he is a pretty cool guy finding him was an interesting experience but i don't have a ton of time so i'll tell you about it next week, just know that i am really excited about this, i have a really good feeling about him. Faith hope hard work and prayer, keys to flippin success you've just got to love it. Well thank you to everyone out there your all amazing, and a big shout out to Coleton the only one who has written me! But seriously people i'd love to hear from you and ask coleton i totally wrote him back with the details on what is up. So you might want to try it yourself. elder_srogers@myldsmail.net Keep it real!
Elder Rogers
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
"Germany....like a mini suprise everyday!"
Alrright world how are things going? Good i hope. Things are going pretty well for me and how could they not, i a flippin Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Or Der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage. That is the name that i so lovingly wear on my chest every day and i absolutely love it. But before i get to far into things i have a few things i need to say.
First off, Happy Birthday to my wonderful mother(on the 4th), she is truly the most amazing mom anyone could ask for i am so grateful for her and all that she has done for me in my life!!! I could honestely go on forever because i am so grateful for her, she is part of the reason i am out hear right now. Love you Mom thanks for all you do for me.
Next another Happy Birthday to... Ell Bell(on the 3rd), one of the most amazing people on the planet!! What else can i say. Thanks for being such an amazing friend, for always playing frisbee and being flipping amazing at it and being just an all around spectacular friend. I am truly blessed with the GREATEST friends ever and i am happy to call you one.
And Finally Happy Hump day Elder Dehlin, i know that he can't read this but still it blows my mind that one of my very best friends has been out serving our Lord for just about a year. Time fly's by so quickly out on a mission it just amazes me.
Well now that i got the most important things out of the way lets talk about what's going on with me. Well what can i say i'm in flippin Germany which still suprises me sometimes, i wake up and get going and head outside and then i hear someone say something in German and i'm like wow i am totally in Germany. Sweet! I don't know if i'll ever get used to that but i'm okay with that because then it is like everyday a mini suprise. Totally worth it.
Well right now we aren't teaching anybody but we are going out each day and looking for those that the Lord has prepared to hear this wonderful message. I know that there are those out hear who are waiting to hear this message from me. I know that the Lord has prepared them and all i need to do is go out and open my mouth. I love this work, one of the Elders in my district always looks at me and says "Rogers...Get Excited!!" And i think that i have really started to grasp that. So i share that challenge with all of you, Get Excited! Go out and have fun and share the Gospel if you've got it and if not i promise you that it is the greatest thing ever! And if you want to find out for yourself all you have to do is pray. It is as simple as that, get on your knees and ask God with a desire to know, and he will let you know i promise you that.
Also we have this totally awesome book called the Book of Mormon. Really this book is totally spectacular! Just sit down and read a little of this book, if you want some suggestions on where to start, what does Julie Andrews say? "Let's start at the very begininig, it's a very good place to start!" But if you don't feel quite up to that mabe read 3rd Nephi chapter 11, i just read it a few days ago and it is so amazing. Or maybe Alma 32 or 36, i could go on forever because it is so amazing. Just check it out and let me know how it goes ask me questions just whatever i know it will change your life for the better. Wait a second i hear some of you saying "But i don't have a copy of this book." Problem solved just hit up www.mormon.org and you can read it online.
But if none of these solutions tickle your fancy, i challenge you to sit down this weekend on saturday and sunday and watch a living Prophet of God speak. You can totally do it an it would be totally worth your time once again you can check it out online or if your in Utah change it to channel 5 from 10:00-12:00 both saturday and Sunday otherwise just ask a member about it, your bound to know one. But ya just a few challenges for you, and i promise you will be blessed if you do them. Well i better head out but i'm doing great, once again i'd love to hear from you, check out the last post for my email address. Thanks to all you out there who are supporting me on my mission you all rock.Elder Rogers
First off, Happy Birthday to my wonderful mother(on the 4th), she is truly the most amazing mom anyone could ask for i am so grateful for her and all that she has done for me in my life!!! I could honestely go on forever because i am so grateful for her, she is part of the reason i am out hear right now. Love you Mom thanks for all you do for me.
Next another Happy Birthday to... Ell Bell(on the 3rd), one of the most amazing people on the planet!! What else can i say. Thanks for being such an amazing friend, for always playing frisbee and being flipping amazing at it and being just an all around spectacular friend. I am truly blessed with the GREATEST friends ever and i am happy to call you one.
And Finally Happy Hump day Elder Dehlin, i know that he can't read this but still it blows my mind that one of my very best friends has been out serving our Lord for just about a year. Time fly's by so quickly out on a mission it just amazes me.
Well now that i got the most important things out of the way lets talk about what's going on with me. Well what can i say i'm in flippin Germany which still suprises me sometimes, i wake up and get going and head outside and then i hear someone say something in German and i'm like wow i am totally in Germany. Sweet! I don't know if i'll ever get used to that but i'm okay with that because then it is like everyday a mini suprise. Totally worth it.
Well right now we aren't teaching anybody but we are going out each day and looking for those that the Lord has prepared to hear this wonderful message. I know that there are those out hear who are waiting to hear this message from me. I know that the Lord has prepared them and all i need to do is go out and open my mouth. I love this work, one of the Elders in my district always looks at me and says "Rogers...Get Excited!!" And i think that i have really started to grasp that. So i share that challenge with all of you, Get Excited! Go out and have fun and share the Gospel if you've got it and if not i promise you that it is the greatest thing ever! And if you want to find out for yourself all you have to do is pray. It is as simple as that, get on your knees and ask God with a desire to know, and he will let you know i promise you that.
Also we have this totally awesome book called the Book of Mormon. Really this book is totally spectacular! Just sit down and read a little of this book, if you want some suggestions on where to start, what does Julie Andrews say? "Let's start at the very begininig, it's a very good place to start!" But if you don't feel quite up to that mabe read 3rd Nephi chapter 11, i just read it a few days ago and it is so amazing. Or maybe Alma 32 or 36, i could go on forever because it is so amazing. Just check it out and let me know how it goes ask me questions just whatever i know it will change your life for the better. Wait a second i hear some of you saying "But i don't have a copy of this book." Problem solved just hit up www.mormon.org and you can read it online.
But if none of these solutions tickle your fancy, i challenge you to sit down this weekend on saturday and sunday and watch a living Prophet of God speak. You can totally do it an it would be totally worth your time once again you can check it out online or if your in Utah change it to channel 5 from 10:00-12:00 both saturday and Sunday otherwise just ask a member about it, your bound to know one. But ya just a few challenges for you, and i promise you will be blessed if you do them. Well i better head out but i'm doing great, once again i'd love to hear from you, check out the last post for my email address. Thanks to all you out there who are supporting me on my mission you all rock.Elder Rogers
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Finally in Germany!!
Alright world what is going on? I'm back sort of, my little brother is posting this for me since i am confined to one site on the intenet but i figure i can still write and my wonderful little brother will post it for me.
Alright things are going pretty well for me out here if flippin Germany! It is so crazy sometimes i have a hard time believing it myself, like i want around the corner and stop someone to tell them about the gospel and i still expect them to answer in english but nope it is totally german. You've just got to love it. But just to let you all know, i'm up in Duisburg , otherwise known as the dirty D, it is a pretty interesting place all the way up,we are the 2nd highest area in the mission. My companion is Elder Armstrong from St. George/ San Diego and he is a great Elder we get a long so well. He love the office and music and he is totally chill so ya he is great. My district is pretty funny 8 Elders and well i don't know how to explain them just that they are pretty funny elders. We do a whole lot of finding out on the F=C3=BC=C3=9F. It is just an area where no cars are aloud so we just walk around and talk to people about the Gospel. The Germans aren't very receptive but we still try, mostly we talk to a lot of Turks and Africans they are the most receptive. But i totally love the people, at least they are straight forward and tell you how it is. If only they knew what they were missing. Right now we don't have any investigators which is kind of sad, but we still work our hardest and we know that the Lord will bless us! =20
So that is what is going on with me out in Germany. What is up with you people? I suppose your all at school which is crazy it is so funny to think one year ago i was walking to class everyday at Utah State, great times, those of you up there i want to hear what is up, come to think i want to know what is up all around no matter where your at i would love to hear from you.
I can recieve emails from anybody and if i have time and can respond to you, so i promise if you email me and will work my very hardest to reply, my companion loves to email so i've always got plenty of time. my email is elder_srogers@myldsmail.net and i can't wait to here from you i won't name names but i have a few in mind specifically, you should know who you are. But ya my P-Days are on Tuesdays. But remember i'm 8 hours ahead of those of you in utah. But i'll respond in order that they came besides my parents and family, they always come first that is just how it works but like i said i've got plenty of time so let me know whats going on out there, ask me questions i'll answer them to you specifically or if i don't have time just check out the blog and you can get your Elder Rogers fix there. Can't wait to hear from you, love you all your all such great examples to me in my life. The Church is True i know it with all my heart. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and we become better people by reading it and following its counsel. So do it and let me know how it goes. Thanks again.
Elder Rogers
Alright things are going pretty well for me out here if flippin Germany! It is so crazy sometimes i have a hard time believing it myself, like i want around the corner and stop someone to tell them about the gospel and i still expect them to answer in english but nope it is totally german. You've just got to love it. But just to let you all know, i'm up in Duisburg , otherwise known as the dirty D, it is a pretty interesting place all the way up,we are the 2nd highest area in the mission. My companion is Elder Armstrong from St. George/ San Diego and he is a great Elder we get a long so well. He love the office and music and he is totally chill so ya he is great. My district is pretty funny 8 Elders and well i don't know how to explain them just that they are pretty funny elders. We do a whole lot of finding out on the F=C3=BC=C3=9F. It is just an area where no cars are aloud so we just walk around and talk to people about the Gospel. The Germans aren't very receptive but we still try, mostly we talk to a lot of Turks and Africans they are the most receptive. But i totally love the people, at least they are straight forward and tell you how it is. If only they knew what they were missing. Right now we don't have any investigators which is kind of sad, but we still work our hardest and we know that the Lord will bless us! =20
So that is what is going on with me out in Germany. What is up with you people? I suppose your all at school which is crazy it is so funny to think one year ago i was walking to class everyday at Utah State, great times, those of you up there i want to hear what is up, come to think i want to know what is up all around no matter where your at i would love to hear from you.
I can recieve emails from anybody and if i have time and can respond to you, so i promise if you email me and will work my very hardest to reply, my companion loves to email so i've always got plenty of time. my email is elder_srogers@myldsmail.net and i can't wait to here from you i won't name names but i have a few in mind specifically, you should know who you are. But ya my P-Days are on Tuesdays. But remember i'm 8 hours ahead of those of you in utah. But i'll respond in order that they came besides my parents and family, they always come first that is just how it works but like i said i've got plenty of time so let me know whats going on out there, ask me questions i'll answer them to you specifically or if i don't have time just check out the blog and you can get your Elder Rogers fix there. Can't wait to hear from you, love you all your all such great examples to me in my life. The Church is True i know it with all my heart. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and we become better people by reading it and following its counsel. So do it and let me know how it goes. Thanks again.
Elder Rogers
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Deutschland Deutschland hier ich komme!!!
Oh meine gute!!!! I have been in the MTC for 8 1/2 weeks and i am
so ready to peace it! Well mostly to eat real food but also i am
so excited to go to Deutschland and teach those amazing people the
most amazing thing in this world and eternity, the Gospel! But
first i have to pack, which so far doesn't seem like it is gonna
take to long but who knows. So also on the deutschland note, i am
so excited to meet my trainer, pray that he is the type of
missionary that will work me hard and get me into shape. I know i
am. Also i've decided no matter what he is gonna rock so pretty
much it doesn't matter. Oh and one last thing real quick. I don't
have the Acclamation CD with "his love" on it, you know the one
that we have. Ya i don't have that one and would love to have it,
as well as the forgotten carols, whenever you get around to sending
a package to deutschland, or maybe you could have jonathan make the
CD's tonight and one day it tomorrow, if that wouldn't be a
problem, really whatever is easier for you. But if you do send it
tomorrow make sure you one day it, cause the post office is only
open half day on saturday and i'm out at 3:00 AM monday morning!!!!
Ya i got my flight plans a week ago friday and we are flying from
Salt Lake to Dallas then after a 5 hour layover in Dallas straight
to frankfurt!!!!! Wooooooo HOOOOOO Crazy i look forward to it,
hopefully i can share the gospel with a ton of people on the way
over. But ya we have to be to the travel office at 3 in the
morning to get already to be at the Airport at like 4 or something
like that. But oh boy am i stoked, i've got some pictures coming
in a package to you, i'll send that off on tomorrow, it has a few
other things and ya just stuff i don't need, we can only have the
two suit cases under 50 pounds and one carry-on, and a backpack
counts as a carry on ridiculous i know but hopefully i can stuff my
backpack in my smallest suit case and just have that, if not
hopefully there is enought money on my debit card to pay the extra
150 for a third suit case. We see, if you send me the package
tomorrow let me know what to do in the letter. okay well enough of
leaving stuff even for the last week that has been the only thing
on my mind.
We will be released as ZL's on sunday and the new ZL's are great
elders and they will really help out our zone. I am so glad to
have all my time to write in my journal at night, it has been great
to have it back this week. But i really was blessed to be in this
leadership position, it really opened my eyes and hopefully will
help me throughout the rest of my life. But right now i am doing
my last load of laundry in the MTC and it is sweet.
Okay so the deutsch is going great my goal is to become completely
profficient, which means to be able to speak deutsch like i was a
native so pray that i can do that. I know i need to work my butt
off to do it but i know if I do the Lord will see that it happens.
But i've got to go finish laundry and finnish packing. Love you
all hope to hear from you one last time in the MTC and i'll write
some letters on the airplane and send them in texas to you. Love
you all so much you are such an amazing family and i am truly
blessed to have you in my life.
Elder Rogers
so ready to peace it! Well mostly to eat real food but also i am
so excited to go to Deutschland and teach those amazing people the
most amazing thing in this world and eternity, the Gospel! But
first i have to pack, which so far doesn't seem like it is gonna
take to long but who knows. So also on the deutschland note, i am
so excited to meet my trainer, pray that he is the type of
missionary that will work me hard and get me into shape. I know i
am. Also i've decided no matter what he is gonna rock so pretty
much it doesn't matter. Oh and one last thing real quick. I don't
have the Acclamation CD with "his love" on it, you know the one
that we have. Ya i don't have that one and would love to have it,
as well as the forgotten carols, whenever you get around to sending
a package to deutschland, or maybe you could have jonathan make the
CD's tonight and one day it tomorrow, if that wouldn't be a
problem, really whatever is easier for you. But if you do send it
tomorrow make sure you one day it, cause the post office is only
open half day on saturday and i'm out at 3:00 AM monday morning!!!!
Ya i got my flight plans a week ago friday and we are flying from
Salt Lake to Dallas then after a 5 hour layover in Dallas straight
to frankfurt!!!!! Wooooooo HOOOOOO Crazy i look forward to it,
hopefully i can share the gospel with a ton of people on the way
over. But ya we have to be to the travel office at 3 in the
morning to get already to be at the Airport at like 4 or something
like that. But oh boy am i stoked, i've got some pictures coming
in a package to you, i'll send that off on tomorrow, it has a few
other things and ya just stuff i don't need, we can only have the
two suit cases under 50 pounds and one carry-on, and a backpack
counts as a carry on ridiculous i know but hopefully i can stuff my
backpack in my smallest suit case and just have that, if not
hopefully there is enought money on my debit card to pay the extra
150 for a third suit case. We see, if you send me the package
tomorrow let me know what to do in the letter. okay well enough of
leaving stuff even for the last week that has been the only thing
on my mind.
We will be released as ZL's on sunday and the new ZL's are great
elders and they will really help out our zone. I am so glad to
have all my time to write in my journal at night, it has been great
to have it back this week. But i really was blessed to be in this
leadership position, it really opened my eyes and hopefully will
help me throughout the rest of my life. But right now i am doing
my last load of laundry in the MTC and it is sweet.
Okay so the deutsch is going great my goal is to become completely
profficient, which means to be able to speak deutsch like i was a
native so pray that i can do that. I know i need to work my butt
off to do it but i know if I do the Lord will see that it happens.
But i've got to go finish laundry and finnish packing. Love you
all hope to hear from you one last time in the MTC and i'll write
some letters on the airplane and send them in texas to you. Love
you all so much you are such an amazing family and i am truly
blessed to have you in my life.
Elder Rogers
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
1 More P-day in the MTC
So yes can you believe it!!!!! This is my second to last P day in
the MTC i am flipping out. This time tomorrow i will have flight
plans that will have me going from SLC to Frankfurt i can't even
believe it. Really i am in total shock, i thought that 9 weeks in
the MTC would be forever but um it didn't. Wow so crazy i feel
alright about leaving i'm not like so ready to go, i actually
really enjoy the MTC sure the food really sucks now but hey at
least i'm not preparing it, and it really i have learned so much.
But i am so excited to go really it is gonna be so crazy. Pray
that my Trainer will whip me into shape. I've decided that i don't
have to like him i just need to respect the fact that he can make
me into a great missionary. But ya, also since i leave a week from
monday if you could get those CD's sent to me soon i would love it
really like i'd love it a ton. If you haven't already finished
them, could you add, Pray of the Children on to it by Octepella as
well as The King Singers both are on my page on the Homecomputer in
iTunes. And like i said anything that uplifts is approved and i
would really love it. But ya as soon as you can get on that i
would love it.
Alright so the Deutsch is going great. I am really working on not
platueing and i can really feel the Lords blessings. It has been
so amazing, and people compliment my german all the time. Some
elders asked how i got so good. I honestly don't know what to tell
them besides the fact that its not all me, sure i put forth the
effort but it is the Lord that is doing it. I still have so much
more to learn and understand and i'm sure 2 days in Germany will
remind me of that but it is just so cool to really be able to
measure the Blessings from the Lord in your Life. But ya hopefully
that explains how the German is going.
Gospel wise i'm still loving it. It still ceases to amaze me how
much we as missionaries are blessed. But really i have learned so
much. I'll be reading in the Scriptures and something will not be
so clear, and all it takes is a prayer and some careful thought and
just like that you have an answer. That is how the Lord blesses
you. But really i just love learning more and more about this
gospel everyday really nothing else is interesting compared to all
that we can learn about the Gospel. Speaking of such, did you get
my other email about Dallin H Oaks? How are you doing on
memorizing the sacrement prayers? Keep it up, cause i know you
will be blessed for it.
Well let me tell you whats up on the ZL front. We get to babysit
all the missionaries in our zone, and let me tell you babysitting
is no fun. Even babysitting missionaries is no fun. You wouldn't
beleive how many missionaries will look for and find loop holes to
the simplest rules to follow. It is ridiculous. I mean our zone
is amazing really i'd put money on the fact that we are the best
zone in the MTC but still we have elders who choose not to follow
rules or who choose to break rules thinking it is better to ask for
forgiveness then it is for permission. That is a total joke. And
thanks for letting me know that Dad really especially when i am the
one who has to go about doing the disciplining. Wow but really it
is just the small stuff. WE don't have problems with anything big,
and that could be why sometimes it is so frustrating but just those
little things that will make us way better missionaries.
Okay so thank you so much for the package, the german chocolate
really got me even more excited to go to germany and be eating it
all the time, i'll have to send some to you when i get there. But
also thank you for the music, i am singing it this sunday for
sacrement and then i will be trying out to sing a week from sunday
in the devotional in front of the whole MTC. I'm pretty excited it
is really crazy hopefully it will go how the Lord wants it to go.
But pray for me and wish me luck. Well i'm not quite sure what
else to say, but i've still got about 10 minutes so i'll sign off
read you emails and maybe send you another Email, if not be looking
for a letter. I love you all so much you are such a blessing to me
i don't even know how to express it but thanks for all you do.
Love Elder Rogers
the MTC i am flipping out. This time tomorrow i will have flight
plans that will have me going from SLC to Frankfurt i can't even
believe it. Really i am in total shock, i thought that 9 weeks in
the MTC would be forever but um it didn't. Wow so crazy i feel
alright about leaving i'm not like so ready to go, i actually
really enjoy the MTC sure the food really sucks now but hey at
least i'm not preparing it, and it really i have learned so much.
But i am so excited to go really it is gonna be so crazy. Pray
that my Trainer will whip me into shape. I've decided that i don't
have to like him i just need to respect the fact that he can make
me into a great missionary. But ya, also since i leave a week from
monday if you could get those CD's sent to me soon i would love it
really like i'd love it a ton. If you haven't already finished
them, could you add, Pray of the Children on to it by Octepella as
well as The King Singers both are on my page on the Homecomputer in
iTunes. And like i said anything that uplifts is approved and i
would really love it. But ya as soon as you can get on that i
would love it.
Alright so the Deutsch is going great. I am really working on not
platueing and i can really feel the Lords blessings. It has been
so amazing, and people compliment my german all the time. Some
elders asked how i got so good. I honestly don't know what to tell
them besides the fact that its not all me, sure i put forth the
effort but it is the Lord that is doing it. I still have so much
more to learn and understand and i'm sure 2 days in Germany will
remind me of that but it is just so cool to really be able to
measure the Blessings from the Lord in your Life. But ya hopefully
that explains how the German is going.
Gospel wise i'm still loving it. It still ceases to amaze me how
much we as missionaries are blessed. But really i have learned so
much. I'll be reading in the Scriptures and something will not be
so clear, and all it takes is a prayer and some careful thought and
just like that you have an answer. That is how the Lord blesses
you. But really i just love learning more and more about this
gospel everyday really nothing else is interesting compared to all
that we can learn about the Gospel. Speaking of such, did you get
my other email about Dallin H Oaks? How are you doing on
memorizing the sacrement prayers? Keep it up, cause i know you
will be blessed for it.
Well let me tell you whats up on the ZL front. We get to babysit
all the missionaries in our zone, and let me tell you babysitting
is no fun. Even babysitting missionaries is no fun. You wouldn't
beleive how many missionaries will look for and find loop holes to
the simplest rules to follow. It is ridiculous. I mean our zone
is amazing really i'd put money on the fact that we are the best
zone in the MTC but still we have elders who choose not to follow
rules or who choose to break rules thinking it is better to ask for
forgiveness then it is for permission. That is a total joke. And
thanks for letting me know that Dad really especially when i am the
one who has to go about doing the disciplining. Wow but really it
is just the small stuff. WE don't have problems with anything big,
and that could be why sometimes it is so frustrating but just those
little things that will make us way better missionaries.
Okay so thank you so much for the package, the german chocolate
really got me even more excited to go to germany and be eating it
all the time, i'll have to send some to you when i get there. But
also thank you for the music, i am singing it this sunday for
sacrement and then i will be trying out to sing a week from sunday
in the devotional in front of the whole MTC. I'm pretty excited it
is really crazy hopefully it will go how the Lord wants it to go.
But pray for me and wish me luck. Well i'm not quite sure what
else to say, but i've still got about 10 minutes so i'll sign off
read you emails and maybe send you another Email, if not be looking
for a letter. I love you all so much you are such a blessing to me
i don't even know how to express it but thanks for all you do.
Love Elder Rogers
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What an experience!!!
Ok yet another week goes by and i still can't believe i'm in the
MTC learnin' German!!! Really the other day when we were going
over some ridiculous grammer concept i just started laughing in the
middle of class. That is probably from the fact that i've been
doing the exact same thing everyday for the last 5 weeks, but also
cause i am flippin' learnin' German. It has been so amazing to
learn it. And this week has especially rocked because we started
teaching the lessons auf Deutsch. Ya this last Tuesday Elder
Houston and I taught the Restoration auf Deutsch and it was
amazing!!! Here is what happened: So tuesday morning I still
don't feel as prepared as i wanted to be, but as always we worked
at it and then prayed and told the Lord that we couldn't do this
without his help and that we knew that since we put forth the
effort to prepare he could do the rest for us. So we went into our
TE with Bro. Sorber. Bro. Sorber is only like the coolest teacher
ever, and also the hardest Teacher to teach. If you screw up he
will let you know like hardcore, he will start pullin up scriptures
and ripping you down. But that is only if you screw up bad. So we
sit down and we start teaching him. We get through God is our
Loving Heavenly Father and Families, then we get to prophets and as
i finish i tell him that we have prophets on the earth today, and
that it is so important that we have prophets and that we listen to
them. And he starts going off, on how all the answers we need are
in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, so why do we need prophets
today. Now let me remind you that this is all in German. So we
kind of fumble around with the issue of drugs and what not, but
then he pulls out a scripture that warns us about drugs. So i kind
of take a second and think about things then the spirit prompts me
to talk about the Family and Pres. Hinckley proclamation to the
world stuff, so we do, we start talking about it and how the family
is under attack today and that because we have prophets we know how
to strengthen and keep our families safe. He just ate it up and
was fine with having prophets today. Well since we had just gone
off on this point about prophets it didn't feel right to go back to
Christs earthly ministry. So we started talking about Joseph Smith
and all the ordinances that were restored through him, like correct
baptism. Oh no i did not just open up a door i didn't want to go
to. But yes, yes i did. So he says well i was baptized, and we
tell him that it was not correct, that we must follow the example
of Jesus Christ and be baptized by immersion. So them he asks
about all the people that lived between Christ and Joseph Smith
what about them, God loves them, but without proper baptism they
are lost. So we talk about Temples and Baptisms for the dead.
Once again can i remind you this is all in German. I don't even
know how to say have the stuff i said!!! That is all the Lord, and
no one else can tell me otherwise. So we explain it all and the
spirit was so strong that it made sense to him and to us. So wow
we got out of that explosion alive, but then he realizes that we
just told him that his baptism didn't count and neither did his
families. So we just explained that yes it wasn't correct, but
that he could be baptized into the true church on the earth. So
what do we do next? We flippin committed him to baptism!!! And he
said yes!!!!!!! Are you kidding me! I couldn't believe it. we
hadn't even taught all the stuff you supposed to. But then again,
we don't teach lessons, We TEACH PEOPLE!! Wow this was amazing.
We closed with giving him some scriptures to read and telling him
to continue to pray about it. Wow it was amazing. But that is not
all, he starts to give us feedback, told us our german was really
good, and that he liked how we addressed his concerns and how we
talked about the temple, a thing most missionaries are afraid to
talk about period, but we did it in the first lesson. And then the
flippin Icing on the cake. He told us that in his 2 years of
teaching at the MTC no elders have ever committed him to baptism.
When he said this i had the biggest grin on my face. He told us
that the spirit when we teach is so strong that no one would ever
say no to a commitment like that. I had the dumbest grin on my
face for the rest of the day. And you want to know why? I'll tell
you, it's because this Church is True, it is because whom the Lord
calls he qualifies. That was not me in that room teaching and
speaking all that german and talking about things i had never even
studied. That! Was the Lord! And i will boast in my God
continually. As of myself i am nothing, i am weak, i am a 19 year
old kid who is doing what the Lord wants me to do. But with the
Lord nothing can get in the way!!! Nothing! Family and friends,
when i walked out of that room, they could have handed me a plane
ticket to Germany and said "elder we need you there right now."
And i would have taken it without the least bit of fear, and i
would have with the Lord gone and done whatever he wanted me to do.
In that moment and even still i do not fear whatever is in store
for me in this life, on this mission, or for eternity. I love this
gospel it is absolutely amazing to be here learning how to teach
it. I love you, I love the people in Germany, and I most
especially love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Well I really don't know what else to say, i will be writing a
letter as well so look for that. Thank you for all you do, for
your love and support, I know it was because of you prayers that
the experiance i had, was able to happen. I love you all so much,
i don't think you have any idea how much i love you. This church
is true. I know it! Thank you so much and I love you all.
Love Elder Rogers
MTC learnin' German!!! Really the other day when we were going
over some ridiculous grammer concept i just started laughing in the
middle of class. That is probably from the fact that i've been
doing the exact same thing everyday for the last 5 weeks, but also
cause i am flippin' learnin' German. It has been so amazing to
learn it. And this week has especially rocked because we started
teaching the lessons auf Deutsch. Ya this last Tuesday Elder
Houston and I taught the Restoration auf Deutsch and it was
amazing!!! Here is what happened: So tuesday morning I still
don't feel as prepared as i wanted to be, but as always we worked
at it and then prayed and told the Lord that we couldn't do this
without his help and that we knew that since we put forth the
effort to prepare he could do the rest for us. So we went into our
TE with Bro. Sorber. Bro. Sorber is only like the coolest teacher
ever, and also the hardest Teacher to teach. If you screw up he
will let you know like hardcore, he will start pullin up scriptures
and ripping you down. But that is only if you screw up bad. So we
sit down and we start teaching him. We get through God is our
Loving Heavenly Father and Families, then we get to prophets and as
i finish i tell him that we have prophets on the earth today, and
that it is so important that we have prophets and that we listen to
them. And he starts going off, on how all the answers we need are
in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, so why do we need prophets
today. Now let me remind you that this is all in German. So we
kind of fumble around with the issue of drugs and what not, but
then he pulls out a scripture that warns us about drugs. So i kind
of take a second and think about things then the spirit prompts me
to talk about the Family and Pres. Hinckley proclamation to the
world stuff, so we do, we start talking about it and how the family
is under attack today and that because we have prophets we know how
to strengthen and keep our families safe. He just ate it up and
was fine with having prophets today. Well since we had just gone
off on this point about prophets it didn't feel right to go back to
Christs earthly ministry. So we started talking about Joseph Smith
and all the ordinances that were restored through him, like correct
baptism. Oh no i did not just open up a door i didn't want to go
to. But yes, yes i did. So he says well i was baptized, and we
tell him that it was not correct, that we must follow the example
of Jesus Christ and be baptized by immersion. So them he asks
about all the people that lived between Christ and Joseph Smith
what about them, God loves them, but without proper baptism they
are lost. So we talk about Temples and Baptisms for the dead.
Once again can i remind you this is all in German. I don't even
know how to say have the stuff i said!!! That is all the Lord, and
no one else can tell me otherwise. So we explain it all and the
spirit was so strong that it made sense to him and to us. So wow
we got out of that explosion alive, but then he realizes that we
just told him that his baptism didn't count and neither did his
families. So we just explained that yes it wasn't correct, but
that he could be baptized into the true church on the earth. So
what do we do next? We flippin committed him to baptism!!! And he
said yes!!!!!!! Are you kidding me! I couldn't believe it. we
hadn't even taught all the stuff you supposed to. But then again,
we don't teach lessons, We TEACH PEOPLE!! Wow this was amazing.
We closed with giving him some scriptures to read and telling him
to continue to pray about it. Wow it was amazing. But that is not
all, he starts to give us feedback, told us our german was really
good, and that he liked how we addressed his concerns and how we
talked about the temple, a thing most missionaries are afraid to
talk about period, but we did it in the first lesson. And then the
flippin Icing on the cake. He told us that in his 2 years of
teaching at the MTC no elders have ever committed him to baptism.
When he said this i had the biggest grin on my face. He told us
that the spirit when we teach is so strong that no one would ever
say no to a commitment like that. I had the dumbest grin on my
face for the rest of the day. And you want to know why? I'll tell
you, it's because this Church is True, it is because whom the Lord
calls he qualifies. That was not me in that room teaching and
speaking all that german and talking about things i had never even
studied. That! Was the Lord! And i will boast in my God
continually. As of myself i am nothing, i am weak, i am a 19 year
old kid who is doing what the Lord wants me to do. But with the
Lord nothing can get in the way!!! Nothing! Family and friends,
when i walked out of that room, they could have handed me a plane
ticket to Germany and said "elder we need you there right now."
And i would have taken it without the least bit of fear, and i
would have with the Lord gone and done whatever he wanted me to do.
In that moment and even still i do not fear whatever is in store
for me in this life, on this mission, or for eternity. I love this
gospel it is absolutely amazing to be here learning how to teach
it. I love you, I love the people in Germany, and I most
especially love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Well I really don't know what else to say, i will be writing a
letter as well so look for that. Thank you for all you do, for
your love and support, I know it was because of you prayers that
the experiance i had, was able to happen. I love you all so much,
i don't think you have any idea how much i love you. This church
is true. I know it! Thank you so much and I love you all.
Love Elder Rogers
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Zone Leader a week early!!?
That's right family this last sunday Elder Houston and I were
called as Zone Leaders a week early then usual, i'll explain later.
But wow it has been really intersting to have some more added
responsibility on top of what all the stuff we have to do anyway.
And this week has been kind of a struggle. The reason is because
we are in charge of the older Elders as well so what do they do
when someone younger is in charge, well just what Laman and Lemuel
did when Nephi was in charge of them. Ya the first night they were
a real challenge. We are supposed to be in out rooms and quiet at
10:15 then lights out in bed at 10:30. Well no one follows that so
we were asked to really get all the elders to follow that. And oh
how they didn't want to. And hearing it from Elders 3 weeks
younger then them is not the way they want to hear it. But we
prayed and asked for the Lords help and he totally blessed us. The
next night all the Elders without really being invited by us, were
just about ready to go to bed. Wow we are so blessed really and
the Lord really cares about us and what we do.
But anyway, the reason we have been called as ZL's a week early is
because the old ZL's are being called into there mission a week
early so Predident Curtis called Elder Houston and I as ZL's, he
said that he really had a strong confirmation from the Lord that we
needed this calling and that there was something we were supposed
to do. I am not quite sure what it is yet , but i know with the
Lord's help we can find out. Thank you so much for you prayers
they really help me a lot i can really tell.
So the german is going really well, we play a game called HELGA
where each day we draw names, and whoever is Helga wants to speak
the most german during the day and then at night we vote and see
who wins, at the end of the week the winner gets a prize. We don't
know what it is yet, but it will be cool. So that really helps
with SYL(speak your Language) Because when it is a competition we
all know that i really want to win. Right now i'm in a 4 way tie
for first, but today i'm pulling out all the stops, you have no
idea. But ya it really helps and it is so crazy how much we learn.
Now on to the important stuff, the spirit. As i've said so many
times the spirit in the MTC is absolutely amazing. On Tuesday
Elder Houston and I taught one of the teachers. Bro. Sorber, he is
such an amazing teacher, and he will totally rail on you when you
do something wrong. So Elder Houston and I prepared as best as we
knew how and practiced a lot, and really really prayed a lot. So
we went in and Taught him about the Atonement and the Word of
Wisdom. IT was so amazing!!! The spirit was so strong and wow it
is almost unexplainable. But after Bro. Sorber asked how we felt
he felt (the investigator) and we said good we thought we kept him
involved and did everything we had been taught. Then we braced
ourselves for the onslaught. But guess what? It didn't come.
Honestly, he went to say something and just stopped. And he
said,"all i can say is remember how you prepared, remember how it
felt to teach this, and do it agian." Wow can i just jump around
screaming how much the Lord blesses us! It was amazing. But next
week we start teaching auf Deutsch! Holy cow, from now on the
lessons must be auf Deutsch, i am so scared, but i am even more
excited because i know that as i prepare, the Lord will do the
rest. I just know it!!!!!! This Gospel ROCKS!!!!!!!! I don't
know if i can say it enough. But wow, i am on such a spiritual
High right now i don't know what else to say, so I still have some
time so i'll probably send another email later today. LOVE YOU SO
MUCH thanks for your support and encouragment you are the best.
Elder Rogers
called as Zone Leaders a week early then usual, i'll explain later.
But wow it has been really intersting to have some more added
responsibility on top of what all the stuff we have to do anyway.
And this week has been kind of a struggle. The reason is because
we are in charge of the older Elders as well so what do they do
when someone younger is in charge, well just what Laman and Lemuel
did when Nephi was in charge of them. Ya the first night they were
a real challenge. We are supposed to be in out rooms and quiet at
10:15 then lights out in bed at 10:30. Well no one follows that so
we were asked to really get all the elders to follow that. And oh
how they didn't want to. And hearing it from Elders 3 weeks
younger then them is not the way they want to hear it. But we
prayed and asked for the Lords help and he totally blessed us. The
next night all the Elders without really being invited by us, were
just about ready to go to bed. Wow we are so blessed really and
the Lord really cares about us and what we do.
But anyway, the reason we have been called as ZL's a week early is
because the old ZL's are being called into there mission a week
early so Predident Curtis called Elder Houston and I as ZL's, he
said that he really had a strong confirmation from the Lord that we
needed this calling and that there was something we were supposed
to do. I am not quite sure what it is yet , but i know with the
Lord's help we can find out. Thank you so much for you prayers
they really help me a lot i can really tell.
So the german is going really well, we play a game called HELGA
where each day we draw names, and whoever is Helga wants to speak
the most german during the day and then at night we vote and see
who wins, at the end of the week the winner gets a prize. We don't
know what it is yet, but it will be cool. So that really helps
with SYL(speak your Language) Because when it is a competition we
all know that i really want to win. Right now i'm in a 4 way tie
for first, but today i'm pulling out all the stops, you have no
idea. But ya it really helps and it is so crazy how much we learn.
Now on to the important stuff, the spirit. As i've said so many
times the spirit in the MTC is absolutely amazing. On Tuesday
Elder Houston and I taught one of the teachers. Bro. Sorber, he is
such an amazing teacher, and he will totally rail on you when you
do something wrong. So Elder Houston and I prepared as best as we
knew how and practiced a lot, and really really prayed a lot. So
we went in and Taught him about the Atonement and the Word of
Wisdom. IT was so amazing!!! The spirit was so strong and wow it
is almost unexplainable. But after Bro. Sorber asked how we felt
he felt (the investigator) and we said good we thought we kept him
involved and did everything we had been taught. Then we braced
ourselves for the onslaught. But guess what? It didn't come.
Honestly, he went to say something and just stopped. And he
said,"all i can say is remember how you prepared, remember how it
felt to teach this, and do it agian." Wow can i just jump around
screaming how much the Lord blesses us! It was amazing. But next
week we start teaching auf Deutsch! Holy cow, from now on the
lessons must be auf Deutsch, i am so scared, but i am even more
excited because i know that as i prepare, the Lord will do the
rest. I just know it!!!!!! This Gospel ROCKS!!!!!!!! I don't
know if i can say it enough. But wow, i am on such a spiritual
High right now i don't know what else to say, so I still have some
time so i'll probably send another email later today. LOVE YOU SO
MUCH thanks for your support and encouragment you are the best.
Elder Rogers
Thursday, July 31, 2008
What a week!
i got your letters and you packages. So thank you a ton for the
two packages. The Butt Pillow is glorious! Really i don't think
anyone understands how bad the chairs are until they sit in them
for 12 hours a day. So having the Butt pillow rocks. Also the
banana bread was glorious. After three weeks in the MTC i am so
sick of the food. It keeps tasting worse and worse everyday.
Hopefully i make it for the next 6 weeks. Thanks for the flag,
now are room looks like we are excited to actually be going to
Deutschland! I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I can't believe
Elder Green is out serving already. He was so ready to go and he
is gonna rock it out in California. So the reason my hair was
parted was because our whole zone decided to part our hair that
sunday, and i didn't have time to put my contacts in so i wore my
glasses. I don't know how many people called me Clark Kent. Kind
of funny, to bad i don't have my Superman shirt with the cape.
That would have been great.
But things are going great, i am pretty much recovered from being
sick, my nose is still a bit stuffy but all is well. We taught the
second lesson this week in our TA. Basically we go and teach a
volunteer like they are an investigator. It was amazing! Elder
Houston and I didn't feel very prepared, we didn't feel like we
knew the lesson as well or how to teach it. So we spent all
Tuesday morning practicing and getting ready. When we went in to
teach that afternoon, we still didn't feel as ready as we would
have liked. But we prayed that we would be directed in what to
teach and how best to apply the plan of salvation the our
investigators life. And wow we were so blessed! The Spirit taught
the lesson through us. Things popped into my mind that i had not
planned for or studied, but we used them and just went with it.
She seemed really receptive, and the spirit was so strong. We
challenged her to be baptized!! Ok so i know that she is a member
already and that she is supposed to be receptive to what we teach.
But the Spirit still helped us out so much and i was prompted to
say some things that i am sure really helped her in her personel
life. So wow, i am so excited to teach people in Deutschland, but
not quite yet. I'm hoping to learn the language first.
Speaking as such, the german is coming for sure. So long as i
trust and have faith in the Lord i will be fine. We learn so much
and i love the language it is so fun to speak, and some of the
phrases are just hilarious! I love our Teachers, but Sister Duffin
is gone. She is in Deutschland for the next 2 weeks. Crazy but
she'll be back and by then we will have taught the 1st lesson auf
Deutsch! I can't even believe it. These first 3 weeks have gone
by so fast. We got new Deutschers yesterday, i remember when it
was my first day and now i'm the second oldest group. Wow pretty
soon we'll be the oldest and then only 3 more weeks till
Deutschland! But i'm not gonna lie so far not impressed with the
new Deutschers, i don't know they didn't seem as excited as we were
our first few days, in fact some of them seem down-right scared!
But by sunday we will have them whipped into shape no doubt.
But that is what is happening in the good old MTC. I'm glad that
Aunt Stella's Funeral service was good. i know that right now she
is being taught the gospel by missionarys just like me in the
spirit world. So that is crazy about Leslie. I'm so glad that the
Lord blessed her and they were able to find out the problem. So
it is so crazy that school starts soon, and i am so happy that i am
not going to school!
Alright to answer some questions. I have not tried my new contacts
yet, but i will put them in tomorrow and i will send a letter
telling you how they feel. Also i am going to send my glasses
today, thank you for taking care of that. The envelopes you sent
will be fine. I only need them for pictures cause pictures don't
fit in the small envelopes. And Dad we are supposed to speak
Deutsch as much as we can. But we are not total Deutsch till like
the last 2 weeks or something like that. But it is a lot of fun to
speak it as much as we can.
I just got back from the Temple, we did Sealings and it was amazing
i just love it. To think that i am acting as a proxy so that a
family can be sealed together for time and all eternity is so
amazing to me. How can this gospel not be true. Sorry if i didn't
answer all your questions but i'll be sending a letter as well.
I'm out of time so I love you all so much and am so grateful that i
have amazing family and friends like you. I would be so lost
without you in my life. Ich weiss dass, die Kirche wahr ist. Love
you! read the Book of Mormon and pray often.
Love Elder Rogers
two packages. The Butt Pillow is glorious! Really i don't think
anyone understands how bad the chairs are until they sit in them
for 12 hours a day. So having the Butt pillow rocks. Also the
banana bread was glorious. After three weeks in the MTC i am so
sick of the food. It keeps tasting worse and worse everyday.
Hopefully i make it for the next 6 weeks. Thanks for the flag,
now are room looks like we are excited to actually be going to
Deutschland! I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I can't believe
Elder Green is out serving already. He was so ready to go and he
is gonna rock it out in California. So the reason my hair was
parted was because our whole zone decided to part our hair that
sunday, and i didn't have time to put my contacts in so i wore my
glasses. I don't know how many people called me Clark Kent. Kind
of funny, to bad i don't have my Superman shirt with the cape.
That would have been great.
But things are going great, i am pretty much recovered from being
sick, my nose is still a bit stuffy but all is well. We taught the
second lesson this week in our TA. Basically we go and teach a
volunteer like they are an investigator. It was amazing! Elder
Houston and I didn't feel very prepared, we didn't feel like we
knew the lesson as well or how to teach it. So we spent all
Tuesday morning practicing and getting ready. When we went in to
teach that afternoon, we still didn't feel as ready as we would
have liked. But we prayed that we would be directed in what to
teach and how best to apply the plan of salvation the our
investigators life. And wow we were so blessed! The Spirit taught
the lesson through us. Things popped into my mind that i had not
planned for or studied, but we used them and just went with it.
She seemed really receptive, and the spirit was so strong. We
challenged her to be baptized!! Ok so i know that she is a member
already and that she is supposed to be receptive to what we teach.
But the Spirit still helped us out so much and i was prompted to
say some things that i am sure really helped her in her personel
life. So wow, i am so excited to teach people in Deutschland, but
not quite yet. I'm hoping to learn the language first.
Speaking as such, the german is coming for sure. So long as i
trust and have faith in the Lord i will be fine. We learn so much
and i love the language it is so fun to speak, and some of the
phrases are just hilarious! I love our Teachers, but Sister Duffin
is gone. She is in Deutschland for the next 2 weeks. Crazy but
she'll be back and by then we will have taught the 1st lesson auf
Deutsch! I can't even believe it. These first 3 weeks have gone
by so fast. We got new Deutschers yesterday, i remember when it
was my first day and now i'm the second oldest group. Wow pretty
soon we'll be the oldest and then only 3 more weeks till
Deutschland! But i'm not gonna lie so far not impressed with the
new Deutschers, i don't know they didn't seem as excited as we were
our first few days, in fact some of them seem down-right scared!
But by sunday we will have them whipped into shape no doubt.
But that is what is happening in the good old MTC. I'm glad that
Aunt Stella's Funeral service was good. i know that right now she
is being taught the gospel by missionarys just like me in the
spirit world. So that is crazy about Leslie. I'm so glad that the
Lord blessed her and they were able to find out the problem. So
it is so crazy that school starts soon, and i am so happy that i am
not going to school!
Alright to answer some questions. I have not tried my new contacts
yet, but i will put them in tomorrow and i will send a letter
telling you how they feel. Also i am going to send my glasses
today, thank you for taking care of that. The envelopes you sent
will be fine. I only need them for pictures cause pictures don't
fit in the small envelopes. And Dad we are supposed to speak
Deutsch as much as we can. But we are not total Deutsch till like
the last 2 weeks or something like that. But it is a lot of fun to
speak it as much as we can.
I just got back from the Temple, we did Sealings and it was amazing
i just love it. To think that i am acting as a proxy so that a
family can be sealed together for time and all eternity is so
amazing to me. How can this gospel not be true. Sorry if i didn't
answer all your questions but i'll be sending a letter as well.
I'm out of time so I love you all so much and am so grateful that i
have amazing family and friends like you. I would be so lost
without you in my life. Ich weiss dass, die Kirche wahr ist. Love
you! read the Book of Mormon and pray often.
Love Elder Rogers
Monday, July 28, 2008
Week number 2 in the MTC
Alright, so i've been in the MTC for 2 weeks now and i'm still
loving it! Let me recap my week kind of. So a lot has happened
since last week and the days all kind of blend together but we'll
see how well this goes.
The german is coming! I've found as long as i work my hardest, and
use the language it comes really easy. But if i don't use the
language or work my hardest it is just a pain in the butt. But we
have talked a lot about learning a new language, and even when you
are promised the gift of tongues it still means you have to work
for it. The Lord isn't just gonna hand you something for free, he
has done enough of that anyway. So long as i work my very hardest
the Lord will bless me to become fluent in the Language, I KNOW IT!
And i have already seen it happen. Like i said last week,
everytime we pray it is auf Deutsch and whenever we know the world
auf Deutsch we have to use it, if we don't, we won't get a response
from whoever we are talking to. So that helps, the MTC is all
about SYL. Speak Your Language. And i know that it is for real.
Gospel wise, i've learned so much more than i could even imagine.
We taught the 1st lesson again Tuesday and it was amazing. The
"investigator" was really interested in our message and wanted to
read and learn more, it was so amazing how the Spirit guides us in
what to say and teach. I just love it. Also yesterday we went to
the RC (referall center) It is really amazing. We get to call
people and answer phones and tell them about the gospel, send
missionary's and other church stuff to them. But anyway i was
doing outbound calls and i talked to this lady from the South.
Apparently it was the wrong number, the lady we were trying to get
a hold of had moved, and this lady went off on me it was really
funny. She kept telling me that she believed in Jesus our Savior
and Redeemer, and that he Atoned for our sins. And she went off
for like 2 minutes on this. I just sat there, said i was sorry and
that we too believe Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Redeemer.
And that i would make sure to take her off the list. But it was
really funny that she was yelling at me about Jesus telling me
stuff i've known my whole life. Wow you've just got to love the RC.
So along with the gospel it was really cool this past week cause i
have been really sick. It started with a cough a few days after i
reported to the MTC then last Saturday i woke up all stuffed up and
had a sinus Headache. Well i made it through the weekend feeling
like crap and kind of complaining, but not really. Then on Monday
i went to the Health Clinic and got checked out. He made me feel
like an Idiot for getting sick kind of strange but then the doctor
gave me some pills and sent me on my way. Well anyway about Sunday
afternoon, my outlook on this whole sickness thing turned from "why
this, why now?" To "what does the Lord want me to learn from
this?" Well that was about the greatest change i could have ever
made. I started to feel better, and as i humbled myself and relied
a lot more on the Lord i felt stronger, and i never felt the spirt
more then i did from Sunday to Tuesday. Wow because i was relying
upon the Spirit so much and i was doing the best i could i was
truly uplifted. Elder Houston gave me a Priesthood blessing on
Monday Night and it was such an amazing experience and i knew that
what the Lord promised me with would come true. I learned that God
gives us trials so that we can make our selves better. I learned
that without the spirit i am absolutely nothing and it has been
such an amazing blessing. Being sick in the MTC rocks! Well
except for the being sick part, the spirit that came with it was
the best, such a huge learning experience. WOW!!!
So other then all that we have been doing some pretty fun stuff all
around, class 12 hours a day, sleeping for 8, and gym and lunch for
2. Great fun! Oh ya when i was sick, i couldn't play in gym,
after 3 days i was about ready to burst, it was driving me crazy.
All i can say is "gym time is inspired of the Lord"
But i only have 30 minutes of computer time so i need to go. I
love you all so much and i am truly blessed to have you as Family
and Friends. The Church is True no doubt about it.
Love Elder Rogers
loving it! Let me recap my week kind of. So a lot has happened
since last week and the days all kind of blend together but we'll
see how well this goes.
The german is coming! I've found as long as i work my hardest, and
use the language it comes really easy. But if i don't use the
language or work my hardest it is just a pain in the butt. But we
have talked a lot about learning a new language, and even when you
are promised the gift of tongues it still means you have to work
for it. The Lord isn't just gonna hand you something for free, he
has done enough of that anyway. So long as i work my very hardest
the Lord will bless me to become fluent in the Language, I KNOW IT!
And i have already seen it happen. Like i said last week,
everytime we pray it is auf Deutsch and whenever we know the world
auf Deutsch we have to use it, if we don't, we won't get a response
from whoever we are talking to. So that helps, the MTC is all
about SYL. Speak Your Language. And i know that it is for real.
Gospel wise, i've learned so much more than i could even imagine.
We taught the 1st lesson again Tuesday and it was amazing. The
"investigator" was really interested in our message and wanted to
read and learn more, it was so amazing how the Spirit guides us in
what to say and teach. I just love it. Also yesterday we went to
the RC (referall center) It is really amazing. We get to call
people and answer phones and tell them about the gospel, send
missionary's and other church stuff to them. But anyway i was
doing outbound calls and i talked to this lady from the South.
Apparently it was the wrong number, the lady we were trying to get
a hold of had moved, and this lady went off on me it was really
funny. She kept telling me that she believed in Jesus our Savior
and Redeemer, and that he Atoned for our sins. And she went off
for like 2 minutes on this. I just sat there, said i was sorry and
that we too believe Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Redeemer.
And that i would make sure to take her off the list. But it was
really funny that she was yelling at me about Jesus telling me
stuff i've known my whole life. Wow you've just got to love the RC.
So along with the gospel it was really cool this past week cause i
have been really sick. It started with a cough a few days after i
reported to the MTC then last Saturday i woke up all stuffed up and
had a sinus Headache. Well i made it through the weekend feeling
like crap and kind of complaining, but not really. Then on Monday
i went to the Health Clinic and got checked out. He made me feel
like an Idiot for getting sick kind of strange but then the doctor
gave me some pills and sent me on my way. Well anyway about Sunday
afternoon, my outlook on this whole sickness thing turned from "why
this, why now?" To "what does the Lord want me to learn from
this?" Well that was about the greatest change i could have ever
made. I started to feel better, and as i humbled myself and relied
a lot more on the Lord i felt stronger, and i never felt the spirt
more then i did from Sunday to Tuesday. Wow because i was relying
upon the Spirit so much and i was doing the best i could i was
truly uplifted. Elder Houston gave me a Priesthood blessing on
Monday Night and it was such an amazing experience and i knew that
what the Lord promised me with would come true. I learned that God
gives us trials so that we can make our selves better. I learned
that without the spirit i am absolutely nothing and it has been
such an amazing blessing. Being sick in the MTC rocks! Well
except for the being sick part, the spirit that came with it was
the best, such a huge learning experience. WOW!!!
So other then all that we have been doing some pretty fun stuff all
around, class 12 hours a day, sleeping for 8, and gym and lunch for
2. Great fun! Oh ya when i was sick, i couldn't play in gym,
after 3 days i was about ready to burst, it was driving me crazy.
All i can say is "gym time is inspired of the Lord"
But i only have 30 minutes of computer time so i need to go. I
love you all so much and i am truly blessed to have you as Family
and Friends. The Church is True no doubt about it.
Love Elder Rogers
Elder Rogers' First week in the MTC
Hallo Familie und Freunde!
How is everything going? Good I hope. Things are just going
amazing in the MTC I really love it. Learning German is crazy!
Honestly i have learned more this last week than i did in 3 years
of german in highschool. how ridiculous! but the reason why is
because of the spirit of the Lord. Really the spirit is everywhere
in the MTC, it is absolutely amazing.
I love the fact that i can email here as well it is amazing. It
makes things a lot easier, but don't worry i still write letters,
if your lucky you'll get one, also it is a lot easier to decide who
to write to if you get letters, or better yet packages. Oh i just
love shameless plugs. But really letters are like a missionary's
life. One elder in out district is so paranoid about mail he will
ask about it 6 times a day. It is so hilarious, he will pop up out
of nowhere and ask about the mail. Or he will remind our District
Leader Elder Harsh to make sure he gets the mail. I'm pretty sure
he won't forget:)
But we have an awesome time here we work 12 hours a day, which gets
hard but i wouldn't have it any other way. German is going great!
We all gebet(pray) and bare our Zeugniss(testimony) auf Deutsch!
And everyday we learn even more. Even the grammer is making sense
to me and it comes really easily, which is crazy cause i hated the
grammer when we studied it in school. But the Lord blesses those
who ask for help and those who work for it. I know that if you
will ask for his help and if you will have the faith that he will
help. He Will!!!
Just a story to prove that, Elder Houston (my companion) and I
taught the first lesson about the restoration on Tuesday. We teach
it to a member, who volunteers at the MTC as an investigator. We
prayed before that all of the preparation we did would come in
handy and that we would be prompted in what to say, and to be
directed on how best to teach our investigator. Let me just tell
you, that i was not the one teaching that lesson! It was the
spirit! Everything just flowed really well and things would pop
into my mind that i had never thought of or prepared for. The
gospel is true! and it blesses us all so much, i know it for real!
So that is what is up teaching/learning side of life, but what
about everything else the MTC offers. Well the food is alright, it
is like a midway point between Elementary cafeteria and USU
marketplace. It brings back some memories of days gone by, but i
am pretty sure i'll be sick of the food by the time i leave. Lets
see... what else. Oh yes Gym! I love gym or as we Deutschers call
it sport(pronounced shport) It is awesome, the only thing that i
have trouble with is the fact that you can't play Ultimate, what is
up with that. They play soccer, and Ultimate is a non contact
sport. All i have to say to that is BOOO!!!! But we play awesome
stuff like volleyball, both regular and beach, kickball, which is
so much fun i haven't played forever, 4 square, croquet,
basketball, softball. Ya it is that cool! Don't you wish that you
could play all those awesome sports everyday, with enough people to
field a team.
So ya that is basically life in the MTC. We live in our classroom,
we sleep in our rooms. That is how it goes. If you have any
questions, just write me. I love you guys so much! You really
have no idea how blessed i am because of you my family and my
friends. I hope to hear from everyone soon. I love letters!
(another shameless plug, next time i'll see how many i can get in.)
I love you and miss you. The Gospel is True and i know it will
bless you if you have Faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Love Elder Rogers
p.s. read das Buch Mormon (the book of mormon) it will bless you!
How is everything going? Good I hope. Things are just going
amazing in the MTC I really love it. Learning German is crazy!
Honestly i have learned more this last week than i did in 3 years
of german in highschool. how ridiculous! but the reason why is
because of the spirit of the Lord. Really the spirit is everywhere
in the MTC, it is absolutely amazing.
I love the fact that i can email here as well it is amazing. It
makes things a lot easier, but don't worry i still write letters,
if your lucky you'll get one, also it is a lot easier to decide who
to write to if you get letters, or better yet packages. Oh i just
love shameless plugs. But really letters are like a missionary's
life. One elder in out district is so paranoid about mail he will
ask about it 6 times a day. It is so hilarious, he will pop up out
of nowhere and ask about the mail. Or he will remind our District
Leader Elder Harsh to make sure he gets the mail. I'm pretty sure
he won't forget:)
But we have an awesome time here we work 12 hours a day, which gets
hard but i wouldn't have it any other way. German is going great!
We all gebet(pray) and bare our Zeugniss(testimony) auf Deutsch!
And everyday we learn even more. Even the grammer is making sense
to me and it comes really easily, which is crazy cause i hated the
grammer when we studied it in school. But the Lord blesses those
who ask for help and those who work for it. I know that if you
will ask for his help and if you will have the faith that he will
help. He Will!!!
Just a story to prove that, Elder Houston (my companion) and I
taught the first lesson about the restoration on Tuesday. We teach
it to a member, who volunteers at the MTC as an investigator. We
prayed before that all of the preparation we did would come in
handy and that we would be prompted in what to say, and to be
directed on how best to teach our investigator. Let me just tell
you, that i was not the one teaching that lesson! It was the
spirit! Everything just flowed really well and things would pop
into my mind that i had never thought of or prepared for. The
gospel is true! and it blesses us all so much, i know it for real!
So that is what is up teaching/learning side of life, but what
about everything else the MTC offers. Well the food is alright, it
is like a midway point between Elementary cafeteria and USU
marketplace. It brings back some memories of days gone by, but i
am pretty sure i'll be sick of the food by the time i leave. Lets
see... what else. Oh yes Gym! I love gym or as we Deutschers call
it sport(pronounced shport) It is awesome, the only thing that i
have trouble with is the fact that you can't play Ultimate, what is
up with that. They play soccer, and Ultimate is a non contact
sport. All i have to say to that is BOOO!!!! But we play awesome
stuff like volleyball, both regular and beach, kickball, which is
so much fun i haven't played forever, 4 square, croquet,
basketball, softball. Ya it is that cool! Don't you wish that you
could play all those awesome sports everyday, with enough people to
field a team.
So ya that is basically life in the MTC. We live in our classroom,
we sleep in our rooms. That is how it goes. If you have any
questions, just write me. I love you guys so much! You really
have no idea how blessed i am because of you my family and my
friends. I hope to hear from everyone soon. I love letters!
(another shameless plug, next time i'll see how many i can get in.)
I love you and miss you. The Gospel is True and i know it will
bless you if you have Faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Love Elder Rogers
p.s. read das Buch Mormon (the book of mormon) it will bless you!
Message from MOM
Well, Spencer (I mean Elder Rogers) has been in the MTC for three weeks on July 30. He asked his little brother, Jonathan, to post his e-mails on his blog. The reason he asked his little brother to do it is because his mom is CLUELESS when it comes to this new technology stuff!!! So, Spencer's first two e-mail are finally being posted. We'll do much better in the days and weeks to come.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Today Is The Day!
Alright world in 2 1/2 hours i will be a missionary! This is a very surreal feeling. Something i've waited for all my life and now it is so close. It is absolutely insane! But here are some thoughts i've had the last few days along with some of my comings and goings.
Last Sunday at home. I don't think it could have been any better. It was totally missionary focused. In Priesthood we discussed how we can be better member missionaries and we had some great ideas which i'm sure i'll put into practice in good old Deutcshland. Then in Sunday School we were talking about Alma 17-22, for those of you who don't know this is the story of Ammon. Like the greatest missionary ever! If your unfamiliar with it, read it! I promise you'll love it and really feel the spirit. My favorite scripture from this section is definitely Alma 17:2-3 It reads:
2.) Now these sons of Mosiah were with Alma at the time the angel first appeared unto him; therefore Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God.
3.) But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power and authority of God.
I love this scripture because i look forward to the day when all my friends are back together and we will still be brethren in the Lord. I can only imagine how amazing that day will be.
Testimony meeting was great. Such a strong spirit attended to us. And i knew that what i was about to do was the only thing for me to do. Also we sang patriotic hymns as the 4th of last Friday. And as we closed singing The National Anthem, it brought tears to my eyes. It just hit me for the first time that i won't be in this great country and how blessed we truly are to live here. Wow it was an amazing spirit.
I spent the rest of the day with my family and reading the 7th Harry Potter. I started it Sunday afternoon and finished it Monday, reading on a time deadline kind urged me on. Sorry to my family for neglecting them whilst i read. And then that night I tossed around a Frisbee with Ell Linds Russ and Tobin. It was great! I had a blast so many great memories at that park you've just got to love it!

Alright. As this will most likely be my last post for awhile. (i'm gonna have my family post my emails here once i get to Germany in about 2 months so look forward to that.) I thought it best for me to post my testimony.
I know without a doubt that this church is true! If i didn't, i wouldn't be going on a mission. I know that Christ lived a perfect life, and then suffered all of my sins and died on the cross for me and for everyone else. I know that he loves me and always wants me to be the best that i can. I know that the Book of Mormon is the most true book on the earth, and i know that we will be blessed for reading it and following the counsel found in it. I know that after we have done all that we can do to be saved, that we are saved by the grace of our loving Savior Jesus Christ. I know that we are lead by a true and living Prophet, Thomas S. Monson. I know that as we listen and heed to his counsel that we will never be lead astray. I know that all of the apostles and general authorities are called of God to lead us in these the latter days. I know that if we have faith in our Savior Jesus Christ we will live better lives and then one day return to live with him. I know that as i put my faith in our Savior that i will make it through those rough days with him by my side. I testify of the power of the Holy Priesthood! It is the power of God on this earth. I have witnessed it's power in my own life and the lives of others. I have been so blessed to have a loving family who supports me in everything i do, and also friends who are right by my side to pick me up when i fall. I know that it is by the light of Christ that we see in these dark days when sin is so prevalent upon the earth. I thank my loving Heavenly Father for all he has done for me and say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Thanks to all you readers you rock. For those of you who would like to write me, i've posted my address on facebook as well as here. Hope to hear from you. And as always, keep it real world, and i'll catcha in a few.
MTC address, Use for the first 2 months.
Elder Spencer Wallace Rogers
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 North 900 East
Provo, UT 84604
This is the mission home, once i'm in Germany you can send stuff here and it will eventually get to me.
Elder Spencer Wallace Rogers
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Last Sunday at home. I don't think it could have been any better. It was totally missionary focused. In Priesthood we discussed how we can be better member missionaries and we had some great ideas which i'm sure i'll put into practice in good old Deutcshland. Then in Sunday School we were talking about Alma 17-22, for those of you who don't know this is the story of Ammon. Like the greatest missionary ever! If your unfamiliar with it, read it! I promise you'll love it and really feel the spirit. My favorite scripture from this section is definitely Alma 17:2-3 It reads:
2.) Now these sons of Mosiah were with Alma at the time the angel first appeared unto him; therefore Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God.
3.) But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power and authority of God.
I love this scripture because i look forward to the day when all my friends are back together and we will still be brethren in the Lord. I can only imagine how amazing that day will be.
Testimony meeting was great. Such a strong spirit attended to us. And i knew that what i was about to do was the only thing for me to do. Also we sang patriotic hymns as the 4th of last Friday. And as we closed singing The National Anthem, it brought tears to my eyes. It just hit me for the first time that i won't be in this great country and how blessed we truly are to live here. Wow it was an amazing spirit.
I spent the rest of the day with my family and reading the 7th Harry Potter. I started it Sunday afternoon and finished it Monday, reading on a time deadline kind urged me on. Sorry to my family for neglecting them whilst i read. And then that night I tossed around a Frisbee with Ell Linds Russ and Tobin. It was great! I had a blast so many great memories at that park you've just got to love it!

Alright. As this will most likely be my last post for awhile. (i'm gonna have my family post my emails here once i get to Germany in about 2 months so look forward to that.) I thought it best for me to post my testimony.
I know without a doubt that this church is true! If i didn't, i wouldn't be going on a mission. I know that Christ lived a perfect life, and then suffered all of my sins and died on the cross for me and for everyone else. I know that he loves me and always wants me to be the best that i can. I know that the Book of Mormon is the most true book on the earth, and i know that we will be blessed for reading it and following the counsel found in it. I know that after we have done all that we can do to be saved, that we are saved by the grace of our loving Savior Jesus Christ. I know that we are lead by a true and living Prophet, Thomas S. Monson. I know that as we listen and heed to his counsel that we will never be lead astray. I know that all of the apostles and general authorities are called of God to lead us in these the latter days. I know that if we have faith in our Savior Jesus Christ we will live better lives and then one day return to live with him. I know that as i put my faith in our Savior that i will make it through those rough days with him by my side. I testify of the power of the Holy Priesthood! It is the power of God on this earth. I have witnessed it's power in my own life and the lives of others. I have been so blessed to have a loving family who supports me in everything i do, and also friends who are right by my side to pick me up when i fall. I know that it is by the light of Christ that we see in these dark days when sin is so prevalent upon the earth. I thank my loving Heavenly Father for all he has done for me and say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Thanks to all you readers you rock. For those of you who would like to write me, i've posted my address on facebook as well as here. Hope to hear from you. And as always, keep it real world, and i'll catcha in a few.
MTC address, Use for the first 2 months.
Elder Spencer Wallace Rogers
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 North 900 East
Provo, UT 84604
This is the mission home, once i'm in Germany you can send stuff here and it will eventually get to me.
Elder Spencer Wallace Rogers
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Rain Check
Ok so i've slacked on my daily blog till i leave sorry. And right now i really do have some stuff i need to say, but it is way to late for me to force myself to think so tomorrow i'm post them. In fact suspect multiple post tomorrow cause that will probably be it. Maybe one last post before i leave wednesday morning, but i doubt it, as i will be a missionary. We'll see, if the parentals approve it will happen if not then it won't. Keep it real world, until tomorrow/today since it's so late.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
More and More Goodbyes
So this past year I have dubbed the year of a thousand goodbyes (you know like Disney's year of a million dreams just not as cool, no one ever dreams of saying goodbye to close friends and family.) Some of you may recall how i don't believe in goodbyes just see-you-laters, but i didn't think the year of a thousand see-you-laters sounded as good. So whenever i say goodbye it really means see-you-later. But really from last summer to this summer has been the year of a thousand goodbyes. I've had some really hard ones, and others that weren't as hard. But today was a hard one, i said goodbye to several of my favorite things, and people.
I started off the day with a hike. My Dad and I went up and hiked around Silver lake and Twin Lakes, up by Brighton Ski Resort. It was prodigious! The mountains are seriously my favorite things. There is nothing like looking up at them and inside i just think "how can you not believe in Heavenly Father with something as amazing as those!" Really i love looking at them, hiking in them, camping, skiing, the whole deal. You can't beat these mountains i don't care who you are. Well we got up and it was a cool 66 degrees. The mountains were as green as i had ever seen them, and there was still a ton of snow, for it being July 5th it was stellar.

Ya it was that green!

Postcard anyone?
So my dad and i had a great talk. It was killer, he told me about a lot of the things to expect, and i got to ask him any questions i had. It seriously helped a lot, i haven't been really nervous about what i'll be doing but there were a few things. And now i feel great. I know it is still gonna be a shock but at least i sort of grasp what is about to happen in my life. So we walked around silver lake then took the hike up to twin lakes reservoir. Just look at these pictures.







That was amazing, such an awesome hike. So i said goodbye to my mountains and that was rough. I know that i'll see mountains, and not just any mountains but the Alps but really i don't know if you can compete with what we've got.
Well after the hike i just kinda chilled all day, took a much needed nap, and hung out with the fam. I went and ate at Hires with my little brother, and that was great. I really do love Hires, i've got some great memories there. After we lit of some fireworks just for kicks, come one you've got to love playing with fire. (but only in safe environments. Remember only you can prevent forest fires.)
And then i went and did one of my favorite things. I met up with Ell Brooke and Lindsey, and we hit up the sconecutter! Let me just tell you world, these three girls are amazing! Really i was truly blessed to have such stellar friends! And these three especially since i got back from school and most my guy friends were gone on missions. They were there for me. Playing frisbee with Lindsey and Ell. Having great talks with all of them, playing the question game, watching crazy awesome movies like little giants, and going to sconecutter. Some of my greatest memories include these three ladys and i wouldn't trade it for anything. Thanks, you guys rock! But tonight like i said we hit up sconecutter, and just talked. We went up and sat on the overpass between the Jr. High and High school, it was great. Here are some pictures from the event.

Linds and Ell doing "the brock"

Sconey Island, great times in there.

Hey i'm taking a picture!
The only thing that would be better then this night would be to have Brock Josh Preston and Alvin there with us. This was definitely the hardest goodbye since the guys left. Thanks again ladys for putting up with me, and being so amazing. I'll miss you a ton and like always, this isn't a goodbye just a see-you-later!
I started off the day with a hike. My Dad and I went up and hiked around Silver lake and Twin Lakes, up by Brighton Ski Resort. It was prodigious! The mountains are seriously my favorite things. There is nothing like looking up at them and inside i just think "how can you not believe in Heavenly Father with something as amazing as those!" Really i love looking at them, hiking in them, camping, skiing, the whole deal. You can't beat these mountains i don't care who you are. Well we got up and it was a cool 66 degrees. The mountains were as green as i had ever seen them, and there was still a ton of snow, for it being July 5th it was stellar.

Ya it was that green!

Postcard anyone?
So my dad and i had a great talk. It was killer, he told me about a lot of the things to expect, and i got to ask him any questions i had. It seriously helped a lot, i haven't been really nervous about what i'll be doing but there were a few things. And now i feel great. I know it is still gonna be a shock but at least i sort of grasp what is about to happen in my life. So we walked around silver lake then took the hike up to twin lakes reservoir. Just look at these pictures.







That was amazing, such an awesome hike. So i said goodbye to my mountains and that was rough. I know that i'll see mountains, and not just any mountains but the Alps but really i don't know if you can compete with what we've got.
Well after the hike i just kinda chilled all day, took a much needed nap, and hung out with the fam. I went and ate at Hires with my little brother, and that was great. I really do love Hires, i've got some great memories there. After we lit of some fireworks just for kicks, come one you've got to love playing with fire. (but only in safe environments. Remember only you can prevent forest fires.)
And then i went and did one of my favorite things. I met up with Ell Brooke and Lindsey, and we hit up the sconecutter! Let me just tell you world, these three girls are amazing! Really i was truly blessed to have such stellar friends! And these three especially since i got back from school and most my guy friends were gone on missions. They were there for me. Playing frisbee with Lindsey and Ell. Having great talks with all of them, playing the question game, watching crazy awesome movies like little giants, and going to sconecutter. Some of my greatest memories include these three ladys and i wouldn't trade it for anything. Thanks, you guys rock! But tonight like i said we hit up sconecutter, and just talked. We went up and sat on the overpass between the Jr. High and High school, it was great. Here are some pictures from the event.

Linds and Ell doing "the brock"

Sconey Island, great times in there.

Hey i'm taking a picture!
The only thing that would be better then this night would be to have Brock Josh Preston and Alvin there with us. This was definitely the hardest goodbye since the guys left. Thanks again ladys for putting up with me, and being so amazing. I'll miss you a ton and like always, this isn't a goodbye just a see-you-later!

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Day 5? I'm not sure i kinda lost count.
What up world? Happy 4th of July! I sure enjoyed it cause i'll be out of the country of the next 2. My father so lovingly pointed out that all the things i did today probably won't happen for another 3 years depending on my return. So here's whats up.
So if you know me at all, you know that i am the furthest thing from a morning person. So usually i sleep through parades. Why must they be in the morning, i say we have a parade at dusk. Make it an electric parade like in Disneyland. (note the electric parade is no longer in Disneyland but in California Adventure) But ya wouldn't that be cool. And on the 4th there would be fireworks over the parade or after it either way works for me. Well i decided since this will be my last 4th that i would go to the parade. News Flash, i should have stayed in bed! I mean really i was pelted with crappy candy over and over again, there were like 4 real floats, and the rest was stuff i could care less about. Not to mention the old guy sitting next to my family who felt he needed to pass his ideals onto every float car or person. This is how it happened every time, mind you there were 100+ entries.
Old Guy (OG): " Is that an All-American car!?" usually twice per car. And if it wasn't a ford, dodge, or Chevy he would yell at the driver or kids in the car that they didn't belong in the 4th of July parade. Or something to that extent.
OG: "We want our oil, and we want it now!!!!" Every time a government official of any kind walked past this was yelled, and each time he seriously wanted an answer.
OG: "That's not how you wave!!! Your not doing it right! (childs name) show them how to do it!" Tell you what if i'm on a float i'll wave however i want! Deal with it.
So anyway the parade was really annoying and sleep would have been a much better option.
Well after the parade i took a nice nap, just think of all the sleep i missed while listening to this guy yell at parade floats. But when we all woke up we went and hit up the fun days at Murray park. I've never been so this was a first, we did have a great pulled pork sandwich. That was the highlight i promise. So since fun days wasn't all that fun, the fam went and got a snow cone from Island Flavors. Oh i love this place. Putting cream on top of a snow cone, and then in the bottom is a little scoop of vanilla ice cream. BRILLIANT!!! You've got to love that. Then we went and saw Kung Fu Panda. I really like this show, pretty much i just love Jack Black but really it is a great film.
And to end the day we lit some fireworks, which i've noticed as i've grown up that they've gone down hill. It used to be so exciting, and i still love to do them. I mean what boy scout doesn't like to play with fire, but still they were a whole lot cooler as a child. And finally the one thing i love to do on the 4th, watch the fireworks at Murray Park from my roof. A few years back i decided i was sick of only seeing some of the fireworks from our front lawn, so i pulled out the ladder jumped on the roof and ever since then that is what i do.

This is a Disney Firework, but you get the gist.
I think i love it so much because it gives me an excuse to get on the roof. For some reason i really just love sitting on the roof at night, during the day it is blasted hot so don't try it, but at night... much love! I've decided that my house will have a window that opens up to the roof, so i can just go out and chill on my roof, look at the stars or whatever. That's how i do world. Let me know how your 4th was and i'll catch you on the flip flop. (josh isn't even here and he still gets me saying things like that. Gotta love that kid!)
So if you know me at all, you know that i am the furthest thing from a morning person. So usually i sleep through parades. Why must they be in the morning, i say we have a parade at dusk. Make it an electric parade like in Disneyland. (note the electric parade is no longer in Disneyland but in California Adventure) But ya wouldn't that be cool. And on the 4th there would be fireworks over the parade or after it either way works for me. Well i decided since this will be my last 4th that i would go to the parade. News Flash, i should have stayed in bed! I mean really i was pelted with crappy candy over and over again, there were like 4 real floats, and the rest was stuff i could care less about. Not to mention the old guy sitting next to my family who felt he needed to pass his ideals onto every float car or person. This is how it happened every time, mind you there were 100+ entries.
Old Guy (OG): " Is that an All-American car!?" usually twice per car. And if it wasn't a ford, dodge, or Chevy he would yell at the driver or kids in the car that they didn't belong in the 4th of July parade. Or something to that extent.
OG: "We want our oil, and we want it now!!!!" Every time a government official of any kind walked past this was yelled, and each time he seriously wanted an answer.
OG: "That's not how you wave!!! Your not doing it right! (childs name) show them how to do it!" Tell you what if i'm on a float i'll wave however i want! Deal with it.
So anyway the parade was really annoying and sleep would have been a much better option.
Well after the parade i took a nice nap, just think of all the sleep i missed while listening to this guy yell at parade floats. But when we all woke up we went and hit up the fun days at Murray park. I've never been so this was a first, we did have a great pulled pork sandwich. That was the highlight i promise. So since fun days wasn't all that fun, the fam went and got a snow cone from Island Flavors. Oh i love this place. Putting cream on top of a snow cone, and then in the bottom is a little scoop of vanilla ice cream. BRILLIANT!!! You've got to love that. Then we went and saw Kung Fu Panda. I really like this show, pretty much i just love Jack Black but really it is a great film.
And to end the day we lit some fireworks, which i've noticed as i've grown up that they've gone down hill. It used to be so exciting, and i still love to do them. I mean what boy scout doesn't like to play with fire, but still they were a whole lot cooler as a child. And finally the one thing i love to do on the 4th, watch the fireworks at Murray Park from my roof. A few years back i decided i was sick of only seeing some of the fireworks from our front lawn, so i pulled out the ladder jumped on the roof and ever since then that is what i do.

This is a Disney Firework, but you get the gist.
I think i love it so much because it gives me an excuse to get on the roof. For some reason i really just love sitting on the roof at night, during the day it is blasted hot so don't try it, but at night... much love! I've decided that my house will have a window that opens up to the roof, so i can just go out and chill on my roof, look at the stars or whatever. That's how i do world. Let me know how your 4th was and i'll catch you on the flip flop. (josh isn't even here and he still gets me saying things like that. Gotta love that kid!)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Day 4
Alright for the few of you who actually care about my daily comings and goings here is the ever exciting day 4.
So today was kind of my chill with the fam/watch tv/think day. Cause i did a whole lot of each. But i did however go see Hancock with a bunch of friends and played a little tennis and tossed around the disc. Hancock was great! Language was an issue but i really enjoyed the story, and i'm a sucker for anything superhero related. Over all i definitely recommend the show. Although i am really sick of the same previews over and over again, especially since i've seen so many movies lately all the previews are the same and i can pretty well quote them all word for word. But after they played a couple of the old previews there were a few new ones. Like Step Brothers with Will Ferrell and John C Reilly.
This movie looks hilarious, same stupid stuff Will Ferrell always does but i still love it every time. To bad it's rated R. But i figure by the time i get home it will be playing on TV every other night and i can watch it then. Also the new James Bond film Quantum of Solace.
This looks Flipping amazing! I loved Casino Royale and this looks right up there with it. Definitely on the top of my list of movies to see when i get home. But enough about that stuff.
Coleton and I went and hit around a tennis ball and tossed around the disc. Thanks Coleton it is times like that, that i really love! And it was a blast.
So that was pretty much the extent of my day, but i do have a few thoughts for you. This one is for everyone, but especially for those younger readers. Are you ready cause this one is huge. drum roll please......... LIVE LIFE TO IT'S FULLEST!!! I was talking to Coleton about how i wish i could go back and relive those awesome times in High School and last summer with all my friends. I wish i could go back and fix my regrets, the few that i have. One was not going to Disneyland with the guys, and not going on senior trip. These two were kind of out of my hands, one my parents said no. Granted it was really last minute. And the other i was in summer school. And my last regret was not getting to know everyone as well. Sure i knew them and was friends but i really didn't get to know them till much later. Really those were my only major regrets that i had. Also here is some advice, go out and do stuff. If your working or going to school all the time, sure you'll have money and maybe be a little ahead of the curve. But your going to hate yourself later for it. And if you do work a lot and make some money, go out and do stuff. Spend it and make some killer memories. i think i learned that a bit to late.
I know it sounds like i'm going to die sorry, but i know that things won't ever be the same. And i wish i could go back and relive all the awesome stuff i did, and do even cooler stuff. So if your younger then I don't do what i did, have as much fun as you can. If you work all the time your gonna hate looking back and remembering how you hated that you worked all the time and didn't go out and have fun making memories with family and friends. The song that says this all to me is of course by John Mayer, and it's one of my favorites. Stop This Train. Hope you enjoy it. Really listen to the lyrics. And you'll get it. Keep it real world, catcha on the flip flop.
So today was kind of my chill with the fam/watch tv/think day. Cause i did a whole lot of each. But i did however go see Hancock with a bunch of friends and played a little tennis and tossed around the disc. Hancock was great! Language was an issue but i really enjoyed the story, and i'm a sucker for anything superhero related. Over all i definitely recommend the show. Although i am really sick of the same previews over and over again, especially since i've seen so many movies lately all the previews are the same and i can pretty well quote them all word for word. But after they played a couple of the old previews there were a few new ones. Like Step Brothers with Will Ferrell and John C Reilly.


Coleton and I went and hit around a tennis ball and tossed around the disc. Thanks Coleton it is times like that, that i really love! And it was a blast.
So that was pretty much the extent of my day, but i do have a few thoughts for you. This one is for everyone, but especially for those younger readers. Are you ready cause this one is huge. drum roll please......... LIVE LIFE TO IT'S FULLEST!!! I was talking to Coleton about how i wish i could go back and relive those awesome times in High School and last summer with all my friends. I wish i could go back and fix my regrets, the few that i have. One was not going to Disneyland with the guys, and not going on senior trip. These two were kind of out of my hands, one my parents said no. Granted it was really last minute. And the other i was in summer school. And my last regret was not getting to know everyone as well. Sure i knew them and was friends but i really didn't get to know them till much later. Really those were my only major regrets that i had. Also here is some advice, go out and do stuff. If your working or going to school all the time, sure you'll have money and maybe be a little ahead of the curve. But your going to hate yourself later for it. And if you do work a lot and make some money, go out and do stuff. Spend it and make some killer memories. i think i learned that a bit to late.
I know it sounds like i'm going to die sorry, but i know that things won't ever be the same. And i wish i could go back and relive all the awesome stuff i did, and do even cooler stuff. So if your younger then I don't do what i did, have as much fun as you can. If you work all the time your gonna hate looking back and remembering how you hated that you worked all the time and didn't go out and have fun making memories with family and friends. The song that says this all to me is of course by John Mayer, and it's one of my favorites. Stop This Train. Hope you enjoy it. Really listen to the lyrics. And you'll get it. Keep it real world, catcha on the flip flop.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Day 3
You better believe it folks, i've got a week left! Can't even believe it myself, but more on that later. Day 3 has come and gone and i retract my comment that day 2 was most boring cause today takes the cake so far, but once again i did some sweet stuff that i'd like to share.
Alright, if i haven't complained to you personally about all appointments i've had i'm doing it here so enjoy. Another appointment, you've got to be kidding me, but on to why i put this in here in the first place. I had my dentist appointment today, and i enjoyed it for a few reasons. First the assistant that cleaned my teeth wasn't a member and didn't know a lot about the missionary program, so i got to explain to her a little bit about what we do and how we do it. She was blown away that we had anywhere from 8-12 weeks to learn a language then go out and teach in it, and by the end of the 2 years that most are fluent. It was really cool to see her excitement and surprise as i explained more, with the help of my dentist of course. I wish i would have had a pass along card but alas i'm not well stocked. Hopefully my dentist will have caught onto her interest and maybe follow through on it. Who knows? Well the second reason i enjoyed it was because they said that my teeth are great, and i should be set for the next 2 years. Haha, who said flossing matters. Just kidding folks you should floss everyday! It's real important.
Alright after my experience at the dentist, my Mom, Grandpa, and lil' bro hit up Italian Village for lunch. I absolutely love this place, if you've never been there you've got to check it out. My personal favorite is the pizza bender w/sauce. Oh it is delicious. But it was fun to have lunch with part of my family and just talk, great times.
The rest of the day was filled with shopping for missionary stuff and just chillin, well at least until Mein Vati und Mutti und Ich hit up the Temple. I love to see the temple and love to go even more. I have to admit because my life has been so packed i've missed my weekly temple trip for the last couple weeks. Poor choice, as josh would say. Really my week isn't the same if i don't go to the temple. It was really cool to go with my parents again. The last time i did a session with my parents was when i went through for the first time. So i loved it, and it was really cool cause i really felt that the work i was doing was really really appreciated. Like this guy had been waiting awhile for this to happen. It was amazing! There is nothing like the feeling when your in the temple, it just can't be beat. So my point is go to the temple. Even if you think you don't have time. If you make time to go to the temple, the Lord will make time for you to finish everything else on your plate. No matter if it's baptisms, endowments, sealings, or initiatory. It is all great! If you guys have questions about the temple just ask i'll answer them as best i can.
So the temple rocked as always, and after we went and got dinner. It is tradition to eat after the temple doesn't matter what time you go, you've just got to go out after, at least if your with me. So we hit up Olive Garden. I know two Italian places in one day its pushing it but it was oh so good. great dinner with my parents definitely gonna miss that.
Well that was the extent of Day 3. And it being a week till i enter the MTC i've got some new emotions that i haven't felt since i got my call. Nervous. I know you may be surprised but up until now i haven't felt nervous about anything mission related. But now its hit and it is really just about little things but still its how i feel. I know the Lord will help me through so long as put my faith and trust in him. So no big deal... hopefully. Also i'm starting to realize all the things i'll be missing out on. I know i'd like to think the world stops while i am gone for 2 years, but it won't. I'm worried about friends not being there when i get back, that i won't know them and it will just be awkward between us. I'm sad about missing out on family stuff. And wondering what the world is gonna be like when i have to come back and live it in and start my life. I don't know if any of this makes sense. And i know that what i'm doing is the only thing i should be doing now and it is the only thing i want to be doing, but i still can't help but think about this stuff. So thats whats on my mind now, keep it real world and i'll catch you tomorrow. You guys rock!
Alright, if i haven't complained to you personally about all appointments i've had i'm doing it here so enjoy. Another appointment, you've got to be kidding me, but on to why i put this in here in the first place. I had my dentist appointment today, and i enjoyed it for a few reasons. First the assistant that cleaned my teeth wasn't a member and didn't know a lot about the missionary program, so i got to explain to her a little bit about what we do and how we do it. She was blown away that we had anywhere from 8-12 weeks to learn a language then go out and teach in it, and by the end of the 2 years that most are fluent. It was really cool to see her excitement and surprise as i explained more, with the help of my dentist of course. I wish i would have had a pass along card but alas i'm not well stocked. Hopefully my dentist will have caught onto her interest and maybe follow through on it. Who knows? Well the second reason i enjoyed it was because they said that my teeth are great, and i should be set for the next 2 years. Haha, who said flossing matters. Just kidding folks you should floss everyday! It's real important.
Alright after my experience at the dentist, my Mom, Grandpa, and lil' bro hit up Italian Village for lunch. I absolutely love this place, if you've never been there you've got to check it out. My personal favorite is the pizza bender w/sauce. Oh it is delicious. But it was fun to have lunch with part of my family and just talk, great times.
The rest of the day was filled with shopping for missionary stuff and just chillin, well at least until Mein Vati und Mutti und Ich hit up the Temple. I love to see the temple and love to go even more. I have to admit because my life has been so packed i've missed my weekly temple trip for the last couple weeks. Poor choice, as josh would say. Really my week isn't the same if i don't go to the temple. It was really cool to go with my parents again. The last time i did a session with my parents was when i went through for the first time. So i loved it, and it was really cool cause i really felt that the work i was doing was really really appreciated. Like this guy had been waiting awhile for this to happen. It was amazing! There is nothing like the feeling when your in the temple, it just can't be beat. So my point is go to the temple. Even if you think you don't have time. If you make time to go to the temple, the Lord will make time for you to finish everything else on your plate. No matter if it's baptisms, endowments, sealings, or initiatory. It is all great! If you guys have questions about the temple just ask i'll answer them as best i can.
So the temple rocked as always, and after we went and got dinner. It is tradition to eat after the temple doesn't matter what time you go, you've just got to go out after, at least if your with me. So we hit up Olive Garden. I know two Italian places in one day its pushing it but it was oh so good. great dinner with my parents definitely gonna miss that.
Well that was the extent of Day 3. And it being a week till i enter the MTC i've got some new emotions that i haven't felt since i got my call. Nervous. I know you may be surprised but up until now i haven't felt nervous about anything mission related. But now its hit and it is really just about little things but still its how i feel. I know the Lord will help me through so long as put my faith and trust in him. So no big deal... hopefully. Also i'm starting to realize all the things i'll be missing out on. I know i'd like to think the world stops while i am gone for 2 years, but it won't. I'm worried about friends not being there when i get back, that i won't know them and it will just be awkward between us. I'm sad about missing out on family stuff. And wondering what the world is gonna be like when i have to come back and live it in and start my life. I don't know if any of this makes sense. And i know that what i'm doing is the only thing i should be doing now and it is the only thing i want to be doing, but i still can't help but think about this stuff. So thats whats on my mind now, keep it real world and i'll catch you tomorrow. You guys rock!
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